Which National Lottery project gets your vote?

Which National Lottery project gets your vote?

Chris Packham celebrates with last year's award winners, Skydancer
Chris Packham yn dathlu gyda enillwyr y flwyddyn diwethaf, Skydancer
National Lottery players raise an incredible £33million every week for good causes. Up and down the country, this money is helping to change lives and transform communities.

You now have a chance to vote for your favourite project at this year’s National Lottery Awards. There are 49 finalists to choose from spread over seven categories from arts to the environment. Thirteen have been funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund including:

  • The Whitworth (arts)
  • Belfast Hills Landscape Partnership (environment)
  • The Dark Hedges (environment)
  • The Osprey Observatory (environment)
  • Wild about Hampstead Health (environment)
  • Your Seas (environment)
  • First World War in the Air (heritage)
  • Information Age (heritage)
  • Lincoln Castle Revealed (heritage)
  • Mind the Gap (heritage)
  • Newbridge Memo (heritage)
  • St. Columba Heritage Centre (heritage)
  • Together We Won the War (heritage)

TV star John Barrowman, who is presenting the awards this year, is calling on everyone to have their say. He said: “It is crucial that you show your support for your local projects so they can get the national glory that they richly deserve.”

So whether you’ve been wowed by the Whitworth, intrigued by the Information Age or bowled over by the beauty of the Belfast Hills, make sure you cast your vote before midnight on Wednesday 29 July.

Go to National Lottery Good Causes' Awards page to vote and follow the campaign on Twitter: #NLAwards.

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