Visit our Habitats of Hope exhibition at the Horniman Museum

Visit our Habitats of Hope exhibition at the Horniman Museum

The Horniman Museum featuring a clock tower stands tall behind greenery
The clock tower of the Horniman Museum
From 30 November–10 December we are showcasing inspiring heritage projects that have enabled the survival of some of the UK’s rarest animal species, thanks to National Lottery support.

The experience has been created in partnership with immersive artist Georgia Tucker and marks the beginning of this year’s COP28.

Each week National Lottery players raise around £30million for good causes across the UK. Since 1994 The National Lottery Heritage Fund has given almost £2bn to support more than 4,600 land, nature and biodiversity projects.

What can you discover?

At the exhibition, you can sit under the Tree of Life and listen to the distinctive croak of the Natterjack Toad, colour in the bright hues of the Snowdon Rainbow Beetle, watch the mesmerising movements of the White-Tailed Eagle, read about the UK’s rarest lizard and learn more about inspiring conservation projects including:

  • Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust – Northern Race Sand lizards, Natterjack Toad, Smooth Snake
  • Bat Conservation Trust - Serotine Bat
  • Buglife – Narrowhead Ant, Ladybird Spider, Blue Ground Beetle
  • Bumblebee Conservation Trust – Great Yellow Bumblebee
  • RSPB – Puffins, Curlew, White Tailed Eagle
  • The Wildlife Trusts – Red Squirrels, Adonis Blue
  • Ulster Wildlife – Flapper Skate

Find out more and plan your visit on the Horniman Museum's website.

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