Treftadaeth Conference 2012

Treftadaeth Conference 2012

The Treftadaeth 2012 Conference, ‘The Future of our Past’, is open to the general public as well as those  within the heritage sector and aims to provide delegates with an opportunity to share their views on heritage protection in Wales.

Held at the Cardiff City Stadium on Thursday 19 July Treftadaeth 2012 will offer delegates a unique opportunity to work with experts in the field of heritage protection and to pose questions to Huw Lewis AM Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage, about the proposed Bill. The conference will cover a range of topics from facilitating public engagement, access and appreciation of the historic environment, maximising the value of the historic environment to the Welsh economy, supporting regeneration through conservation, and encouraging local communities to identify and protect their local heritage.

The conference will feature talks from several experts in the field of heritage protection, including Gwilym Hughes, Assistant Director Historic Environment at Cadw who will update delegates on the outcomes of a series of scoping sessions that have been taking place over the past few months which will help shape the Heritage Bill.

Huw Lewis AM, Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage will give a keynote speech which will also include a question and answer session with all delegates. Mr Lewis said: “The historic environment is hugely important to Wales. It is an integral part of our identity and our culture and inspires people to learn more about their and Wales’ past, as well as being an important contributor to our economy – attracting tourists and providing jobs. Caring for our heritage appropriately and ensuring we maximise its potential is therefore vital. Treftadaeth 2012 will be an important step in developing the proposed Heritage Bill which will shape our approach to heritage protection and management for the future.”

The conference will also hear from Dr Manon Williams, Chair of Heritage Lottery Fund Committee for Wales, who will set out HLF plans for investing £375m a year of lottery money across the UK over the next five years designed to enable a strong, robust sector to respond in new ways to the conditions it now faces. The strategic framework for 2013-2018 sets out plans designed to deliver long term and sustainable benefits in response to the newly emerging needs of the heritage sector.

Dr Manon Williams, said: “We believe that, as the biggest funder for the sector, we should respond to the changing world with flexibility. We want to ensure our heritage is supported effectively and imaginatively, contributing to the economy of Wales and the UK and securing it as an asset for generations to come. Our new framework document therefore includes plans to build organisational resilience, encourage the sector to use digital technology, and provide further support for training in heritage skills. It also introduces a new very simple grant programme for small, local projects.”

Justin Albert, Director for the National Trust in Wales, will be outlining the future of the National Trust and heritage partnership in Wales.

Treftadaeth 2012 is open to the public, however spaces must be booked in advanced. To book your space, contact the booking line on 08000 743 121 or email Tristan Williams for further details.

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