Survey: tell us how coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting you

The survey will help us gather information about the immediate and longer-term impact of the pandemic on the heritage sector.
We will use the information shared with us to help determine how we can support the sector swiftly and in the best ways we can. We’re already in discussion with our heritage partners, other funders and the government.
"This data and insight will be invaluable as we assess the policy, regulatory or financial steps that could best help the heritage sector through this unprecedented period."
Tom Walters, Head of Research, Data and Insight at The National Lottery Heritage Fund
Tom Walters, Head of Research, Data and Insight at The National Lottery Heritage Fund, said: “As well as being a major public health event, coronavirus (COVID-19) is having an impact on the working lives and personal wellbeing of the whole of UK society.
“We've launched a rapid survey of heritage organisations so we fully understand the effect on our sector. We particularly want to hear from grantees who are running a heritage project, event or organisation and can tell us about the current or potential future impact of the coronavirus on your operations.
"This data and insight will be invaluable as we assess the policy, regulatory or financial steps that could best help the heritage sector through this unprecedented period."
We will review the survey results daily over the next week, and it will remain open until 5pm on Friday 27 March. An aggregate of the results will be presented to our Board and Executive team, and later published on our website.
While our office doors may be closed, we remain open for business. All our dedicated staff are working remotely across the UK. Please continue to contact your local team in the normal way. We are doing our best to help you.
Find out more: our support for heritage in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19)