St James Street set for regeneration

St James Street set for regeneration

Walthamstow's St James Street
Walthamstow's St James Street

Waltham Forest has received a £1.46million grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to revitalise Waltham Forest’s historic St James Street area.

The Walthamstow St James Townscape Heritage project will involve an investment totalling nearly £3million between HLF and the council and aims to preserve and enhance the historic character of the St James conservation area located at the western end of Walthamstow High Street.

The St James conservation area will benefit from improvements to shop fronts and key historic buildings as well as new paving, lighting, landscaping and signage.

Council Leader Chris Robbins said: “We are delighted to receive this crucial funding from Heritage Lottery Fund to invest in Walthamstow’s St James Street. This scheme is an unprecedented opportunity to restore the fine historic architecture within the St James conservation area and will help local people understand and feel part of the area’s heritage. The investment will enable the Council to continue its commitment to improving its High Streets and act as a catalyst for further regeneration in the area.”

The works will be complemented by a programme of activities engaging the local community to explore their heritage and support local businesses.

Activities include building conservation and maintenance workshops for property owners and occupiers, business training and the establishment of a Project Hub located in The Mill for people to learn more about the project and how to get involved.

Stuart Hobley, Head of HLF London, said: “Thanks to money raised by National Lottery players we’re delighted to support the plans to enhance the historic St James Street area. Investment in Townscape Heritage projects go well beyond bricks and mortar, they inspire pride in our heritage, contribute to strengthening the local economy and enable people and organisations to work together for the future of their local townscape.”

As part of the project, trained local volunteers will produce an oral history digital archive documenting the people and heritage of St James Street past and present which will be on exhibition to the public.

For more information visit the Waltham Forest Council website.

Notes for editors

The Walthamstow St James conservation area is a historically important commercial area containing various examples of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century architecture developed by the local Victorian property owner, TC Warner.

This grant follows an initial Heritage Lottery Fund grant of £223,000 awarded in January 2014 for the development of the St James Townscape Heritage project.

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