Saving spectacular Brompton Cemetery for community and wildlife

Saving spectacular Brompton Cemetery for community and wildlife

Brompton Cemetery
In 2016, Brompton Cemetery embarked on a £6.2million restoration and conservation project, mostly funded by the National Lottery.

Built in 1840, Brompton is one of London's Magnificent Seven cemeteries. But more recently, it had suffered from neglect and lack of investment, and many of its structures were labelled as 'at risk'.

Late last year it re-opened, having been "revived and revitalised", brought back to life and back into the heart of the community.


The project received £4.5m from the National Lottery Community Fund and the National Lottery Heritage Fund, plus £1.2m from The Royal Parks, and an additional £500,000 from its charity, The Royal Parks Foundation.

“This is one of our most important cemeteries, not just in London but around the country as a whole.”

The money went towards restoring the majestic chapel, central colonnades and catacombs, and turning the North Lodge into a visitor centre, shop, and cafe with accessible toilets.

North Lodge at Brompton Cemetery

Almost 6,433 volunteering days were registered during the project, with members of the local community coming together to help with gardening, events, historical and genealogical research, tour guiding and administration.

National Lottery funding also contributed to the conservation of historic landscape and wildlife habitats, protecting and preserving:

  • 633 trees from around 60 species
  • 200 moth species
  • many types of bats, invertebrates and birds
  • five bee hives

Engaging with Brompton Cemetery

Drew Bennellick, Head of Land and Nature Policy at The National Lottery Heritage Fund said: “This is one of our most important cemeteries, not just in London but around the country as a whole.”

“It is one of the few green spaces in this part of London and a really amazing variety of people live around here, but have never really connected with this space.”

Until now.

Halima Khanom, Partnership and Community Engagement Officer at Brompton Cemetery, said: “It is just wonderful to come here and see people engage with the site rather than just walk through and treat it as a thoroughfare.

"The funding has allowed us to revive and revitalise the space. I mean, Brompton Cemetery has always been used, but [the funding] has given it a whole new life”.

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