Porthcawl’s Old Pilot’s Lookout Tower hits search and rescue milestone

Porthcawl’s Old Pilot’s Lookout Tower hits search and rescue milestone

Gwirfoddolwyr Hen Dŵr Gwylio Porthcawl
Gwirfoddolwyr Hen Dŵr Gwylio Porthcawl
Thanks to National Lottery players, Porthcawl’s Old Pilot’s Lookout Tower has been given a new lease of life.

The lively beach, fishing scene and high tidal ranges at the popular Welsh tourist destination Porthcawl provide a challenging set of circumstances for emergency and rescue teams.

However, thanks to National Lottery players, Porthcawl’s Old Pilot’s Lookout Tower has been given a new lease of life. With a team of dedicated volunteers taking their place in the Pilot’s Lookout, sailors, fishermen and swimmers can now rest assured that there’s a watchful eye protecting the shore.

Completely restored, following a National Lottery grant, the Tower has new windows, doors and roofing whilst the external staircase has also been replaced. Inside it is equipped with the latest onshore and offshore technology, designed to monitor the coastline and ensure the safety of its users.

Supporters celebrating

The Lookout Tower's supporters now have another reason for celebrating, as it has recently been announced that it is to be given Declared Facility Status (DFS).

This means it will officially become one of the Search and Rescue organisations registered at the Coast Rescue Coordination Centre at Milford Haven.

Important historical role

Originally built around 150 years ago, the Grade II listed Tower went on to play an important role during both the First and Second World Wars. But sadly, since falling victim to extreme coastal weather conditions and rough tides, it stood until a few years ago in a state of disrepair meaning that Porthcawl was left without this life-saving coast watch service.

National Lottery funding for Bridgend

Bridgend is a priority development area for HLF. If you're an organisation with ideas for new heritage projects please get in touch with Andrew Harris, Development Officer to find out about the funding opportunities available.

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