The Poppy story goes on the road

The Poppy story goes on the road

Bud, a touring exhibition, travels across Scotland
The Poppy story goes on the road
The story of the poppy is being taken on the road around Scotland for the first time, in a purpose built 18-tonne truck called Bud.

With reports of conflict around the world appearing in the news almost daily, Remembrance is as relevant today as it was after the First World War, 100 years ago.

Inspired by Lt-Col John McCrae’s poem ‘In Flanders Fields’, the poppy is the nation’s symbol of Remembrance. And its heritage is now being explored when Bud, a touring exhibition, travels across Scotland visiting schools and diverse groups, including rurally-remote and multi-faith communities.

Created by PoppyScotland, Bud will tour for over 200 days of the year and is expected to welcome 50,000 visitors annually.

Unique, innovative and inclusive

Whilst on board visitors can reflect on a contemporary understanding of Remembrance and discuss the nature of conflict and the poppy’s role in modern society as a symbol of unity and hope.

A touring exhibition

They will be able to: see artefacts from the Lady Haig Poppy Factory collection, where poppies are still made today; work a poppy-making machine; and hear first-hand stories of military conflict since 1939, from those that were there. There will also be opportunities to meet and chat to Veterans.

On the Bud website, visitors can share their own story of reflection and hope, which will result in the creation of their own poppy “avatar” – a personalised visual representation of what the poppy and remembrance means to them.

For more information about Bud’s National Lottery-funded tour, visit

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