Political leaders mark the success of First World War: Then and Now

Political leaders mark the success of First World War: Then and Now

HLF recently announced funding for our 1000th project relating to the First World War, taking our total First World War funding to £60million.

The Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition have expressed their support for the work of HLF in marking the Centenary and ensuring that people and communities have the opportunity to explore what the war means to them, how it affected those abroad and at home, and how it’s legacy continues to do so today.

David Cameron, Prime Minister

"Our goal is to ensure that we never lose sight of the momentous events that shaped the country a hundred years ago, and the sacrifice of those who paid the ultimate price.

"From the impressive events on 4 August this year through to the enduring opportunities of the anniversaries period, the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has played a central and critical role. You have been instrumental in delivering projects to remember and mark the centenary. This work, as you know, includes saving HMS Caroline for the nation, reinvigorating the splendid First World War Galleries at the Imperial War Museum, and helping the Royal British Legion take its poppy campaign into schools. Tellingly it has meant thousands of people, young and old, are learning about the names on the war memorials in their village, the stories of women and war, and the involvement of people from across the Commonwealth.

"It is a testament to the huge interest in stories of the First World War that the HLF has now invested more than £60 million in over 1000 projects that explore, conserve and share the heritage of the First World War.

"I am delighted that the HLF is working so hard with both parliamentarians and the public to raise awareness of the centenary, encouraging even more people across the country to explore this significant part of our nation's history and, perhaps most importantly, leave a legacy of understanding and remembrance for generations to come.

"Please accept my heartfelt thanks and best wishes for the continued success of the programme".

Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister

See the above YouTube video.

Ed Miliband,  Leader of the Opposition

"Across the world this year people have been remembering the start of World War One. 100 years on, we remember all those to whom we owe our freedom and liberty.

"Many people lost their lives. Many peoples’ lives changed forever. From women entering the workplace for the first time, taking on the roles of the men who had gone to fight, to the young men heading to the trenches. From the nurses on the frontlines caring for the wounded, to those at home doing all they could to support the war effort.

"As those who were alive during those years pass away, those of us who have come after must take on that duty to remember the ultimate sacrifice given by so many during the war. We have a duty also to ensure that future generations understand and recognise that sacrifice and in doing so, do all we can to stop such events from ever happening again.

"HLF through its First World War: then and now small grants programme has helped fund over 1,000 First World War Centenary projects to help communities across the UK mar the Centenary of the First World War. This important work enables people to understand the war, uncover its stories and explore what it means to us today.

"I want to congratulate HLF and the many communities across our country who have taken part in this programme."

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