Our Northern Ireland Committee welcomes three new members

Since 1994, we have awarded more than £250million to over 1,600 heritage projects across Northern Ireland.
Three new members have been appointed to the Northern Ireland Committee to help guide our decisions on funding awards of between £250,000 and £5m in Northern Ireland.
Patricia Corbett MBE, Nikki McVeigh and Dr Sally Montgomery OBE bring a wealth of skills and knowledge from careers in the private, public and third sectors. Their collective experience spans tourism, arts and science, museums, historic building conservation and regeneration and the launch and development of major visitor attractions in Northern Ireland.
“To have attracted such high-calibre, experienced new members is a real boost and brings new perspectives to our decision making. I’m delighted to welcome Patricia, Nikki and Sally onboard.”
Mukesh Sharma MBE, Heritage Fund trustee and Chair of the Northern Ireland Committee
Patricia Corbett MBE
Patricia Corbett MBE was the first head of Hillsborough Castle for Historic Royal Palaces, leading a £20m investment programme. Patricia was recently awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to the community in Belfast.
She is Deputy Lieutenant for the Borough of Belfast, trustee for the Grand Opera House, Tourism NI board member and representative on the Visit Britain board.
Nikki McVeigh
Nikki McVeigh works for the National Trust as the Collections and House Manager responsible for Florence Court, Castle Coole and Crom in County Fermenagh. She is the former chief executive of Ulster Architectural Heritage.
Dr Sally Montgomery OBE
Dr Sally Montgomery OBE has also been appointed a member of the National Heritage Memorial Fund Panel. She was the founding chief executive, and led the development of, Northern Ireland’s science centre, W5. Sally went on to develop new science centres in the UK, Europe and the Middle East before retiring in 2021.
Currently Sally is a member of mental health charity Mind Your Mate & Yourself, a member of the Historic Monuments Council and a commissioner for maritime organisation Irish Lights. She is also involved in the regeneration of Castlewellan Demesne.
A boost for our decision making
Mukesh Sharma MBE, trustee and Chair of the Northern Ireland Committee at the Heritage Fund said: “The National Lottery Heritage Fund plays a vital role in resourcing and supporting heritage in Northern Ireland, awarding funding to projects that make a difference to communities as well as our natural and built environment.
“To have attracted such high-calibre, experienced new members is a real boost and brings new perspectives to our decision making and I’m delighted to welcome Patricia, Nikki and Sally onboard.”
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