Nominate your heritage ‘lockdown legends’ for a National Lottery Award

Nominate your heritage ‘lockdown legends’ for a National Lottery Award

People gathered with awards
2019's National Lottery Award winners
The National Lottery is searching for the UK’s lockdown legends as part of this year's National Lottery Awards. Who will you nominate?

Do you know someone who has made a Herculean effort to support heritage during lockdown? Nominate them for a National Lottery Award!

This year the annual search for the UK’s most popular National Lottery funded projects will, for the first time, honour individuals who have made an extraordinary impact in their community – especially those who have adapted during the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. 

"Now, more than ever, people have rallied together, and individuals have stepped up to the mark to carry out inspirational acts and extraordinary endeavours to help in cities, towns and villages up and down the country."

Jonathan Tuchner, Director of The National Lottery Promotions Unit 

Winners will receive a £3,000 cash prize for their organisation and a National Lottery Awards trophy.

Six people holding award
Back from the Brink with their 2019 National Lottery Award for best heritage project


Recognising inspirational acts

The National Lottery’s Jonathan Tuchner is encouraging people across the UK to make their nominations. He said: "Now, more than ever, people have rallied together, and individuals have stepped up to the mark to carry out inspirational acts and extraordinary endeavours to help in cities, towns and villages up and down the country.

“Thanks to National Lottery players, up to £600million has been made available to support communities throughout the UK amid the coronavirus crisis. People have used National Lottery funding in amazing ways during these challenging times – we want to honour them as part of this year’s National Lottery Awards.”

How to nominate

Nominations can be made across seven categories, including heritage. There will be a special Young Hero Award for someone under the age of 18 who has gone the extra mile in their organisation. 

To make your nomination, tweet @LottoGoodCauses with your suggestions or visit the National Lottery’s website. All nominees must work or volunteer for a National Lottery funded organisation or have received National Lottery funding.

The deadline for nominations is midnight on 19 August 2020.

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