National Lottery players ensure the future of Pembroke’s medieval town walls

National Lottery players ensure the future of Pembroke’s medieval town walls

Muriau Trefol Penfro
Muriau Trefol Penfro Grwp
Over a quarter of a million pounds (£256,000) of National Lottery money will be awarded to protect the historic town walls of Pembroke.

For the next 800 years

Dating back to c. 1280 the walls were built after the outer ward of Pembroke Castle was completed, and now the Pembroke Town Walls Trust want to protect and preserve them for future generations.

Modern Pembroke has successfully retained much of its medieval layout and stonework, with some sections of Grade II and Grade II* wall subject to Scheduled Ancient Monument status and of national and international significance.

Everybody’s backyard

More than 50 volunteers will be involved in the initial pilot project, producing information panels and leaflets as well as a series of events and guided tours to explain and showcase the restoration work to the local community.

Volunteers will also be able to get their hands dirty and take part in accredited training in traditional stonework.

With many sections of wall currently owned by local homeowners, the project will also create an online database of owners and, using its findings, encourage appropriate repair and maintenance of all sections of the wall in the future.

What next?

In addition to restoring the wall and the 18th century lime kiln built into it, the work will also link the main street to provide access to the Tabernacle United Reformed Church and adjacent community garden - itself currently undergoing restoration as part of another project also funded by the National Lottery.

You can keep up to date with the project’s progress on the group’s Facebook page and on the Pembroke Town Walls trust website.

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