Learn about the Landscape Partnership programme with HLF Wales

Learn about the Landscape Partnership programme with HLF Wales

Tirwedd y Gŵyr
Mae tirwedd odidog y Gŵyr wedi elwa o ganlyniad cymorth CDL.
Did you know that HLF supports landscape scale projects in Wales? Our Landscape Partnership programme does exactly that.
  • Have you thought of applying to HLF for a Landscape Partnership grant? 
  • Do you want to find out more about the programme and what it can help you to acheive? 
  • Have you formed a partnership?
  • Have got a project idea but want to know more about how to make a strong grant application? 

If so, this workshop is for you.

In Wales, we are really keen to work with projects that are developing landscape scale projects and we will be holding a Landscape Partnership workshop in the Gower on 25 January 2017 for organisations who want to know how to do a strong application.

The session will involve:

  • Information on the Landscape Partnership programme
  • Project area and boudary lines
  • What makes a strong partnership
  • Community engagement
  • Sustainability
  • Landscape Partnership Case Study
  • Site Visits

Event Details

Venue: Reynoldston Village Hall, Church Meadow, Reynoldston, Swansea, SA3 1AA

Time: 10.00am-3.30pm (25 January 2017)

How to sign up

Booking is essential.  To attend the session please sign up via our SurveyMonkey page.  Spaces are limited and available on a first-come-first served basis.

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If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.