Introducing our online community

Introducing our online community

Anna Stanford, Online Communities Manager, Heritage Lottery Fund
You may have spotted the ‘Our community’ tab at the top of our new website and wondered what this new section is all about. As the Online Communities Manager at HLF, I’m here to explain what it is and encourage you to get involved.

Pilot project

We work with organisations across the UK, and we know that these groups have many examples of good practice and experiences that they would like to share with others. 

After consulting our grantees, applicants, stakeholders and staff, we launched a pilot online community site in January. Our stakeholders used the site to meet other organisations, share their experiences, and discuss project planning, project delivery, and sector issues. 

Since then, we’ve learned more about how the online community can work for us and we’ve made improvements in response to feedback from our users.

Get involved

We’re pleased to say that our online community is now a part of our website, and open for everyone to visit and contribute to. We currently have forums dedicated to four of our targeted programmes (Landscape Partnerships, Parks for People, Young Roots and Skills for the Future ), and we’ll be opening more of these, plus a more general discussion space, over the coming months.

If you already have an HLF online account (for example, log in details to access a grant application) then you can use your log in details to access the community  to participate area. If you’re new to HLF then it only takes a couple of minutes to register to join in. You can also see most of the content without logging in.

Our community is still relatively new and we are looking for ways to improve it. We really value constructive feedback and ideas from the people who are using it, so please get in touch  if you have any thoughts to share with us.

I look forward to welcoming you in the community and hearing what you have to say!

Anna Stanford, Online Communities Manager, Heritage Lottery Fund

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