Introducing Heritage 2033, our new 10-year strategy

Introducing Heritage 2033, our new 10-year strategy

A collage of images featuring children picking vegetables, visitors at a nature reserve, Roman baths and a windmill
We’ve set out a long-term vision for the UK’s heritage that is valued, cared for and sustained for everyone’s future.

We’re pleased and excited to share Heritage 2033 with you today (2 March). It’s an ambitious strategy shaped by your feedback and our almost 30 years of grant-making experience.

Over the life of this strategy, we aim to invest £3.6billion raised for good causes by National Lottery players.

We are committed to ensuring that money makes a decisive difference for people, places and communities across the length and breadth of the UK.

Investment priorities

Four investment principles will underpin everything we do – from open grant programmes with devolved decision-making across our six are and nation committees, to strategic investments and partnerships:

  • saving heritage
  • protecting the environment
  • inclusion, access and participation
  • organisational sustainability

We’ll also be open and responsive to identifying opportunities to tackle issues at a large scale, and partnering with organisations to get our funding to where it’s most needed.

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Simon Thurley, Chair, and Eilish McGuinness, Chief Executive of The National Lottery Heritage Fund, said: "Our new approach has been created through the generous contributions and expertise of many people and partners who care about heritage. We want to continue these conversations, so that National Lottery funding enables heritage to inspire and challenge, to delight and fascinate, now and in the future."

Next steps

Heritage 2033 concisely sets out our overarching principles and ambitions. In the summer, we'll release the first of a series of delivery plans that will provide further detail and direction.

Until then, please continue to apply for funding using our current guidance and outcomes.

Find out more

We’ve published our new strategy in multiple formats to make it as easy as possible to read and refer back to. Explore our new Heritage 2033 website section.

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