HLF support for First World War heritage

HLF support for First World War heritage

2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. The impact of this global conflict was far reaching, touching and shaping every corner of the UK and beyond.

Over the next four years of the Centenary, people of all ages will be reflecting on the events of the war, the experiences of men and women here and overseas, and how the war has shaped the past 100 years.

The Heritage Lottery Fund is working with the First World War Centenary Partnership to make funding available to help groups, communities and organisations mark the Centenary by exploring, conserving and sharing the heritage of the First World War. HLF has been promoting funding opportunities since 2012 via presentations, seminars, meetings with potential applicants, and major stakeholder events in partnership with the Museum of London and Imperial War Museum. Held for potential applicants either with First World War collections, or good relationships with heritage institutions, these events have proved hugely successful in promoting the funding available.

HLF was also hosted by the V&A at the start of the Centenary year for Stories of the Empire – which saw the museum sector and general public gather for an evening of talks, films and networking to explore the diversity of contributions to the British war effort, the impact of the war on our communities and the transformational impact it had on the UK and its colonies.

To date, £58million in HLF grants has been awarded to projects across the UK so they can explore all aspects of First World War heritage and deepen their understanding of the impact of the conflict.

View the full panel discussion

‘Who is remembering whom? How is the diversity of stories related to the impact of the First World War on the Empire presented in London’s heritage collections?’

Interested in applying for a grant?

Project ideas can explore any topic from memorials, buildings and sites, to photographs, letters and literature.  Find out more about the grants we offer, view our Understanding the First World War feature.

For a closer look at the sheer breadth of HLF funding in London for projects to commemorate the Centenary, and to see where you can learn more about stories related to the war, click on the project snapshots below and follow us on Twitter @HLFLondon, #understandingww1.

Find out more about what we fund by reading our answers to questions on war memorials, poppies, activity and travel abroad and other project activities.

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