Heritage to be put at the heart of Northern Ireland’s great places

Heritage to be put at the heart of Northern Ireland’s great places

Northern Ireland is full of great places
Northern Ireland is full of Great Places
The Great Place Scheme has been launched today in Northern Ireland to put culture and heritage at the heart of the development of local communities.

Thanks to National Lottery players, an investment of £1million will encourage cultural, community and civic organisations to work together to explore how culture and heritage can be enhanced in society and used to tackle issues such as poverty and inequality, employment, education and health.

The Great Place Scheme can include everything from city-wide initiatives to smaller, rural proposals.  Grants of £100,000 to £500,000 will support applicants in piloting new, more effective ways of working together. Between two and four projects will be funded in Northern Ireland.

Launching the new initiative, Anna Carragher, UK trustee and chair of HLF Northern Ireland, said: “The Great Place Scheme is an opportunity and a challenge for local leaders to work together and put culture and heritage right at the heart of their plans.  An area’s culture is important not just for its own sake; this scheme will show how it can also boost jobs and local economies, improve education and life chances, and promote community cohesion and well-being.

“Using National Lottery players money we are enabling a step-change in thinking, and we look forward to hearing how communities across Northern Ireland want to use their own heritage to shape an exciting future for everyone who lives here.”

Find out more on the Great Place Scheme website.

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