Do you know what a HLF committee member is?

Do you know what a HLF committee member is?

HLF committees are made up of local people who meet four times a year to help make decisions about funding and to discuss heritage.

HLF has 12 committees based across the UK. Florence Spraven explains more about the role. 

Florence sits on the Yorkshire and Humber Committee and she is passionate about heritage. Florence applied because she thought it would be a good experience for her at this time in her career and she wanted to help make a difference.

“The thing I like best about being a Committee Member is having the opportunity to make a difference, give my perspective and to hear everyone else’s view.

There are lots of reasons to apply to be a Committee Member for HLF. There’s the opportunity to meet many different people and to have input in different decisions about heritage. It’s a really good opportunity whatever stage of career you’re at.”

Recently she has really enjoyed finding out about the Hull City of Culture 2017 projects and seeing such a range of heritage projects. “Heritage is different to different people. We get applications for community projects, historic buildings, events - heritage can be almost anything.”

Florence is particularly interested in brass band heritage. “I’ve played in a brass band since I was 9 and it’s something that is personal to me and it’s also something that reflects social history.”

New committee members needed 

We are currently looking for new committee members to join London and South East England. Applications for these roles will open in September. If you are interested and want to find out more then contact Karen Macaulay, Deputy Secretary to the Board.  

Follow the HLF social media channels today on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to see short films with Florence. 

You can also read interviews with Committee Members Joff WhittenRachel Chiu and Committee Chair Maria Adebowale-Schwarte

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