Capacity-building grants for not-for-profit environmental organisations in Wales

The Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, launched the Green Recovery Capacity Building Scheme on Monday 23 November.
Andrew White, Director of The National Lottery Heritage Fund in Wales said: “We are very glad to be working with the Welsh Government to enable us to deliver the Green Recovery Capacity Building Scheme to support environmental organisations in Wales at this particularly challenging time.
“The funding will go towards supporting these organisations to build their resilience through business skills training. Developing skills such as governance, financial resilience and project management will ensure that they can flourish and improve the services they deliver.”
What we will fund
The Green Recovery Capacity Building Scheme will enable us to:
- provide support to eNGOs to increase capacity through strengthened governance, financial resilience, community engagement, project development and other relevant skills
- put eNGOs – particularly smaller organisations – on a more sustainable footing by supporting the development of higher quality projects
- improve the reach of eNGOs into under-represented communities (ethnic minorities, young people, disabled people, areas of deprivation, etc)
Who is eligible
- The fund is open to non-governmental not-for-profit environmental organisations, or partnerships that are led by an eNGO.
- Applicants must be based in Wales and developing projects within Wales.
- The organisation’s principal aims, or charitable objectives, must be concerned with the protection or improvement of the natural environment.
- We will only accept one application per organisation or partnership.
- We will accept applications for revenue funding until 31 July 2021. You can apply for up to 100% of funding.

How to apply
We are accepting Project Enquiry Forms until 6 December 2020, or you can proceed directly to application. Applications are open now until 10 January 2021.
Pre-application advice is also available via email. Contact:
Please read the full criteria and guidance before submitting an application through our portal.