Cultures and memories

Young people in front of a vintage bus


From Tips to Technology

A group of young disabled people explored the heritage of South Wales to develop a sense of their identity.

Young people performing a song at a cricket match
Young people performing their song at a cricket match


Cricket Roots

Young people explored cultural diversity through sport, composing a song and creating an exhibition inspired by the lives of overseas players at Kent County Cricket Club.

A group of young people who participated in1947 The Partition Project


1947 The Partition Project

Young people interviewed older British Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs about their experiences of the Partition of India and created an exhibition and workshops for schools and community groups.

Participants in the project
Participants in the project


Young Muslim Aberdeen

A group of local young Muslims explored how their heritage is archived in two major city museums, in a project run by Young Muslim Aberdeen.

Line drawing of a spade


Healthy Heritage: Paintings, Performances and Pots

A series of creative workshops for schools, young people and patient groups ran alongside Out of Clay, an exhibition of Roman, Medieval and 20th-century pottery at Milton Keynes Hospital.

Secondary school pupils conducting oral history interviews
Secondary school pupils conducting oral history interviews


From Plantation to Pollock, from Kabul to Kennishead

Secondary school pupils conducted oral history interviews with former tenement residents and recent asylum seekers in Glasgow, bringing different generations and communities together.

People sharing memories
Sharing memories


Capturing the stories of London's Chinatown

The memories and life stories of the people who built and defined the character of London's Chinatown were captured and shared with younger generations.

Craven's Part in the Great War
Craven's Part in the Great War artifacts


Craven's Part in the Great War

This project was based on an idea taken from an original book, published by the Craven Herald in 1920, commemorating every soldier from the Craven District who fell in the First World War.

Line drawing of a tree


Heaton's Woodland Heritage

The wider community was involved in this project to uncover the natural and archaeological heritage of Heaton Woods, an area of ancient semi-natural woodland.

Linda Wood (centre), descendant of the captain of sunken trawler, Alberta, with the dive team
Linda Wood (centre), descendant of the captain of sunken trawler, Alberta, visits with the dive team


Discover Shipwrecks of the River Humber Area

Shipwrecks of the River Humber tells the untold story of Grimsby’s fisherman who went out on trawlers during the First World War.

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