Community heritage

An icon of young people


Treuddyn Urdd Project

The community of Treuddyn, Flintshire worked on a project celebrating the ninetieth anniversary of Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Wales' largest youth organisation.

Young people in First World War historical costume
The cast of the play celebrate their achievements


Working The War

A group of young people researched the personal stories of families who worked in the local torpedo factory during the First World War.

Young people collect oral histories
Young people collect oral histories


Each One, Teach One

The project brought together young and older people to explore the built heritage of Hulme and Moss Side from the 1950s to the present day.

Student Holly Patrick, presenter of the Havant’s Heroes film at the grave of Sir Frederick Fitzwygram, one of the soldiers featured in the film
Student Holly Patrick, presenter of the Havant’s Heroes film at the grave of Sir Frederick Fitzwygram, one of the soldiers featured in the film


Exploring our heroes - the impact of World War 1 on the people of Havant

Outside their lesson time, a group of students investigated the lives of people from Havant during the First World War and created a film, website and book.

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