Community heritage

Helen Joy
Helen Joy


From factory floor to centre stage

Helen Joy reviews ‘Tic Toc: the beginning’ – a musical about the vital role women played in Welsh manufacturing which was made possible thanks to National Lottery players.
Stephen Barlow yn gwenu at y camera, gwisgo crys glas
Stephen Barlow, Rheolwr Datblygu CDL Cymru


Why do we celebrate LGBT heritage?

HLF Wales Development Manager Stephen Barlow reflects on the importance of celebrating his community's heritage
Reverend Bill Shaw, 174 Trust Director
Reverend Bill Shaw, 174 Trust Director


Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts – one year on

Ahead of a visit by HLF’s new chair, Sir Peter Luff, Reverend Bill Shaw reflects on the first year of success at the Duncairn Centre for Culture and Arts.
Richard Bellamy, Pennaeth CDL yng Nghyrmu
Richard Bellamy, Pennaeth CDL yng Nghyrmu Patrick Olner


Diving in to heritage at Pontypridd Lido

Last week the much-loved Pontypridd Lido re-opened after almost a quarter of a century. Our new Head of HLF Wales, Richard Bellamy, explains why its story is so important to him.
Liz Ellis, Ymgynghorydd Polisi Cymunedau ac Amrywiaeth
Liz Ellis, Ymgynghorydd Polisi Cymunedau ac Amrywiaeth


All-inclusive heritage adventures

Liz Ellis has been finding out about projects involving people with learning disabilities.
Professor Mark Connelly
Professor Mark Connelly


Understanding the shadows of the Somme

With one year until the Centenary of the Battle of the Some, Professor Mark Connelly reflects on the far-reaching impacts of the battle and explores some of the stories waiting to be uncovered.

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