Landscapes, parks and nature

An ariel view of Boston Manor in its parkland with lawns and trees
Boston Manor Park with the house nestled in the parkland. Credit: Historic England Archive


Reconnecting Boston Manor Park to its house, history and the community

A four-year project has restored and reinterpreted Boston Manor Park, delivering significant improvements to the landscape, biodiversity and communities – who can now enjoy the open public space.

Illustrated map showing 58 UK UNESCO sites
The UNESCO illustrated map, showing 58 heritage sites across the UK. Credit: Tom Woolley / UNESCO


UNESCO launch a new illustrated map of the UK’s top heritage sites

Designed by Birmingham-based creative cartographer Tom Woolley, the map shows all 58 sites, cities and natural landscapes, helping to bring to life the huge variety of heritage on people’s doorsteps.

An outdoor landscape with trees and a waterfall
Nant Methan waterfall, part of the Celtic Rainforest in the Elan Valley


Saving rare Celtic Rainforest in the Elan Valley

People in Radnorshire will have better access to an area of temperate rainforest – an extremely rare habitat which will be better protected and managed.

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