Expression of Interest help notes: Nature Networks Fund (round two)

Expression of Interest help notes: Nature Networks Fund (round two)

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This application guide is for organisations and individuals submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Nature Networks Fund (round two), for grants between £250,000 and £1million. 

Page created: 18 August 2022.

You must use this guide to assist you in completing the online EOI form for grants from £250,000 to £1m. If you do not submit an EOI you will not be invited to submit a full application.

Important: The National Lottery Heritage Fund uses the same forms across a variety of programmes that we deliver. When completing your application form, you must follow the guidance below as some questions need to be answered differently for this programme. You should not use the help icons embedded in the online form as they do not relate to this funding. 

First steps  

  1. We launched a new application portal in March 2021. If you are not already registered on the portal you will need to register prior to submission.
  2. If you are unable to set up your account or face any technical difficulties, please contact
  3. once your organisation is registered, select ‘Start an Expression of Interest’ and follow the instructions for completing this form for grants of £250,000 to £1m
  4. give your project a name with the prefix #NNF2
  5. If you decide to copy and paste text from a word document directly into your application form, please review your application before submission and make changes where necessary to make sure you do not exceed the stated word count limits. You will be able to save this form as you work on it.


Have you spoken to anyone at the Heritage Fund about your idea?

If so, tell us their name.

Describe what you will do during the project

Please provide additional information on the following:

  • Will your project improve the condition and resilience of Wales' protected sites network, specifically the habitats and species of the sites?
  • Will your project improve accessibility to the protected sites network?
  • Will your project improve your resilience and, therefore, future ability to manage the protected sites network?
  • Where and how will the work take place?
  • What communities will you work with?

200 word limit.

Do you have a title for the project?

Please include the prefix #NNF2 in your project title. For example #NNF2 Mayfly nature reserve improvements

What outcomes do you want to achieve?

An outcome is a result of what your project does. The mandatory outcomes for Nature Networks (round two) are:

  • a wider range of people will be involved in heritage
  • heritage will be in better condition

Please address both of these outcomes.

A wider range of people will be involved in heritage

Explain how your audience or volunteer profile will have changed during the project. This may include:

  • improvements to the accessibility of a site
  • working with other organisations to reach under-served audiences
  • supporting new individuals into the sector through training and apprenticeships

Include evidence to support your plans.

Heritage will be in better condition

Explain how your project will improve the condition of the protected sites network, even if this will be in the future. For example, describe what specific actions you will undertake to improve the management of the habitats and species.

If your project is not taking place directly on a protected site, please demonstrate the value your project will bring to the protected sites network in the long-term.

200 word limit.

Tell us about the heritage of the project

For this programme, heritage refers to the protected sites network. You should explain how your project links with the network (for example, specific site names and grid references and/or people/organisations who manage them) and why it is important (for both biodiversity/wildlife and people).

100 word limit.

What is the need for this project?

What work have you done that shows the potential benefits of the project?

200 word limit.

How long do you think the project will take?

Your project should begin after 1 April 2023. It must be complete by 31 March 2026.

50 word limit.

How much is the project likely to cost?

If you know, tell us about the most important costs. These costs can be estimated.

200 word limit.

How much funding are you planning to apply for from us?

£ [enter amount]

You must apply for between £250,000 and £1m. If you require less funding, please use our application form and help notes for grants of under £250,000.

When are you likely to submit a funding application, if asked to do so?

Please note that this fund is different to our standard grants, so we do not require separate development and delivery phase applications. Your full application must be submitted by 7 December 2022.

50 word limit.

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.