Application questions: Nature Networks Fund £50,000 to £250,000

Application questions: Nature Networks Fund £50,000 to £250,000

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Questions from our National Lottery Heritage Grants £10,000 to £250,000 application.

Page last updated: 8 July 2024.

Before you can apply for a grant of £50,000 to £250,000, you must submit a Project Enquiry to tell us about your idea. If you are successful, we will invite you to apply. After you are invited to apply, you will have until 12 noon on 1 October 2024 to submit an application.

You must use this guide to assist you in completing an online application form for a Nature Networks Fund (Round 4) grant under £250,000.

Important: The National Lottery Heritage Fund uses the same forms across a variety of programmes that we deliver. When completing your application form, you must follow the guidance below as some questions need to be answered differently for this programme. You should not use the help icons embedded in the online form as they do not relate to this funding.

Each question has a word limit; however, you don’t need to reach this. Only include the information we ask for that is relevant to your project.

About your vision

Describe what your organisation would like to achieve through your project.

We will use your answer to tell people about your project, including our decision makers.

We publish details of applications and grant awards on our website and in public databases. This is in line with our commitment to transparency and open data principles. We will use the information you have provided when answering this question to describe your project.

Tell us what you hope to achieve and what you hope the legacy of your project will be.

[Text field – 150 words]

About your heritage focus

Tell us about the heritage site(s) you will focus on as part of this project.

Tell us:

  • if there is any official recognition or formal designations of the site(s), for example, it may be a Site of Special Scientific Interest
  • what habitats are included, their current condition and usage
  • how the heritage relates to Wales’ network of protected land and marine sites

Do not use this section to tell us about your project, or about what will happen during your project. We will ask you about this later in the application.

[Text field – 500 words]

Is this heritage at risk?

Explain why the heritage is under threat, and what actions have been taken (if any) to minimise the risk.

For example, it could be at risk of loss through physical damage or neglect, or financial shortfalls. Public access to the heritage may also be at risk of loss.

Tell us if the landscape, geology, habitat or species is at risk and in what way (for example, identified in a Biodiversity Action Plan as a priority).

Tell us:

  • the current condition of the heritage
  • how it is currently managed and by who
  • how people currently engage with the heritage


  • No, it is not at risk [Tick box]
  • Yes, it is at risk [Tick box]

If yes, explain why the heritage is at risk.

[Text field – 500 words]

About your project

What is the title of your project?

You must include the prefix #NNF4 in your project title.

For example #NNF4 Dragonfly nature reserve improvements. 

[Text input – 255 characters]

When will your project happen?

Enter the date you expect to start your projectThis should not be before 1 January 2025.

Your project must end by 31 March 2028, including all financial reporting and evaluation. We anticipate that most project planning projects will be shorter in duration than projects delivering capital works. 

  • start date of project [Enter date]
  • end date of project [Enter date]

Where is your project taking place?

Your project may be taking place somewhere different than your organisation. Tell us where that is. If your project is taking place at more than one site, tell us the address where most of your project will take place.

  • the same place as my organisation address [Tick box]
  • somewhere else [Tick box]

If somewhere else:

Tell us your project’s address.

[Enter postcode > select an address > edit selected address details]

We understand that you might not have a postcode. Tell us the closest postcode to your project’s location.

Do you want to add a grid reference?

Please add a grid reference if your project is taking place across a large area, at more than one site or in a place which is difficult to find using a postcode.

Please provide a six-digit Ordnance Survey grid reference number for the mid-point of your project area (for example: SK510072). If you are working on multiple sites, separate each grid reference with a semicolon (for example: SK510072; SX163777; TQ317842). Do not include any additional text with your grid references. 

  • No, we do not want to add a grid reference [Tick box]
  • Yes, we want to add a grid reference [Tick box]

If yes: Add a grid reference [Text field – 20 characters]

If you would like to add another grid reference, you will be able to add more on the next page.

Further information:

Provide more information about the grid reference. For example, the name of the site or a description of the area it covers.

[Text field – 50 words]

Have you received any advice from us about this project?

If you have spoken to anyone from The National Lottery Heritage Fund about your project, tell us about the advice you received and how you have used that advice to develop your project.

  • No, we have not received any advice from you [Tick box]
  • Yes, we have received advice from you [Tick box]

If yes: Tell us more about the advice you received from us about this project

[Text field – 500 words]

Have you received any advice from anyone else about this project?

Tell us if you have received any specialist advice about your project. This could be experts in the heritage your project focuses on or other organisations who will support you to deliver your project.

This could include:

  • any consultation you have done with your local community and those who will be involved in your project
  • any project proposal advice, such as from ecologists or Natural Resources Wales
  • advice about how to address wellbeing for your project participants, such as from a charity or local group who can provide support which is relevant to their lived experience


  • No, we have not received any advice [Tick box]
  • Yes, we have received advice [Tick box]

If yes: Tell us more about the advice you have received from anyone else about this project

[Text field – 500 words]

Tell us what you will do during your project.

Provide an overview of what you will do during your project. You should use the following two sub-headings, depending on whether your project is capital or project planning.

Capital projects:

  • What works will you undertake for habitats and species?
  • Who will be involved and how (staff, volunteers, general public, target audiences)?

Development projects:

  • What work will you undertake during the project (for example, what surveys, consultations or planning activities)?
  • Who will be involved and how (staff, volunteers, general public, target audiences, partners)?

Your project plan should provide more detailed information about each element of your project.

[Text field – 500 words]

Will capital works be part of your project?

Details on what we consider to be capital works can be found in the application guidance.

Tell us if any capital works will be part of your project, even if this is a small part of your overall project.

  • No, capital works will not be part of our project [Tick box]
  • Yes, capital works will be part of our project [Tick box]

If capital works are part of your project, you will need to tell us who owns the heritage. If you have them, we need to see any ownership documents, leases and condition surveys.

If your organisation owns the heritage, tell us:

  • if your organisation has the freehold of the building or land, or own the heritage items outright
  • if your organisation has the lease of the building or land and how many years are left to run on the lease
  • If your organisation has, or is planning to take out, a mortgage or other loans secured on the building or land, or heritage item. If so, give us details of the lender and the amount of the mortgage or loan. If you have one, upload an ownership document.

If a partner organisation owns the heritage, tell us:

  • the name of the partner organisation
  • if the project partner has the freehold of the building or land, or own outright the heritage items
  • if the project partner has the lease of the building or land and how many years are left to run on the lease
  • if the project partner has, or is planning to take out, a mortgage or other loans secured on the building or land, or heritage item
  • if so, give us details of the lender and the amount of the mortgage or loan
  • If you do not currently meet our ownership requirements, tell us the date when you expect to do so.

Tell us who owns the heritage.

[Text field – 500 words]

Upload ownership document.

[Choose file]

If you select 'Yes, capital works will be part of your project', you will also need to answer these next five questions:

Do you need any permission to carry out the capital works?

Examples of what might need permission:

  • agreement from the owner of a heritage asset
  • access rights from a landowner
  • planning permission from the council
  • licenses and permits from Natural Resources Wales
  • consent to record audio or take photographs of individuals

If you don’t know if you need permission, choose the ‘We are unsure if we need permission’ option.

  • No, we do not need permission [Tick box]

If no: Tell us why you do not need permission to carry out the capital works [Text field – 500 words]

  • Yes, we do need permission to carry out the capital works [Tick box]

If yes: Tell us who you need permission from [Text field - 500 words]

  • We are unsure if we need permission [Tick box]

Has a condition survey taken place in the last five years?

Tell us about any ecological surveys or Environmental Impact Assessments that have been completed

If you have had any type of condition survey done, we would like to see it. You can upload a condition survey here.

  • No, a condition survey has not taken place [Tick box]

If no: Tell us why you have not had a condition survey

[Text field – 500 words]

  • Yes, a condition survey has taken place [Tick box]

If yes: Tell us more about the condition survey

[Text field – 500 words]

Upload condition survey.

[Choose file]

  • We’re unsure if a condition survey has taken place [Tick box]

If unsure: Tell us why you are unsure if there has been a condition survey

[Text field – 500 words]

Are there any legal conditions, restrictions or covenants associated with the heritage which may affect your project?

Tell us if the register of title or other ownership documents contain any restrictions or limitation on its use or ownership, or if it requires any consents for any dealings. If so, you will need to give us the full details and evidence that these are satisfied.

This could include:

  • a Restrictive Covenant limiting the type of use for the land or property
  • a restriction giving another party a right to be notified of any dealing or state conditions that would need to be resolved before the property is sold


  • No, there are no legal conditions, restrictions or covenants associated with the heritage [Tick box]
  • Yes, there are legal conditions, restrictions or covenants associated with the heritage [Tick box]

If yes: Tell us more about any legal conditions, restrictions or covenants associated with the heritage which may affect your project

[Text field – 500 words]

  • I am not sure if there are any legal conditions, restrictions or covenants associated with the heritage [Tick box]

Is this heritage on the at Risk Register?

  • Answer: No, it is not on the at Risk Register [Tick box]

Will you be creating any digital works as part of your project?

Digital works are things you create in a digital format which are designed to give access to heritage. They could also help people engage with and learn about heritage. For example, a collection of digital images or sound files, an online heritage resource or exhibition or a smartphone app.

Tell us if you will be creating any of these as part of your project. Anything you create in a digital format will need to meet our digital requirements, including ensuring that the digital outputs you create with grant funding are available, open and accessible. You can read more about our digital requirements on our website.

  • No, we are not creating any digital works [Tick box]
  • Yes, we will be creating digital works [Tick box]

If yes: Tell us how you will make sure these digital works meet our digital requirements.

[Text field - 500 words]

End of extra questions for projects doing capital works.

Will you be acquiring any buildings, land or heritage items as part of your project?

Land acquisition is not an eligible cost for the Nature Networks fund. Please tick No.

  • No, we will not be acquiring any buildings, land or heritage items [Tick box]
  • Yes, we will be acquiring buildings, land or heritage items [Tick box]

If yes: Tell us about any buildings, land or heritage items you will be acquiring as part of your project

[Text field – 500 words]

Our funding is subject to the Subsidy Control Act 2022. Tell us whether you consider the funding applied for to be a Subsidy within the Act and any advice you may have taken.

If your application is successful, it is important to remember our grant comes from public funds and may be subject to the Subsidy Control Act 2022.

Find out more about subsidy control in the Legal and policy requirements section of the programme guidance.

[Text field – 500 words]

How will you maintain the benefits of your project and meet any related costs?

Tell us how you will manage the benefits of your project after the funding ends.

For example:

  • how you will manage the project sites in the future, for example if you will keep employing staff to help maintain a site you have restored
  • how you will deal with any costs related to maintaining the project sites once the project ends

For Development projects:

  • Tell us who will be responsible for taking the project forward into delivery. What will be required to do this?

[Text field – 500 words]

About the need for your project

Why does your project need to happen?

Tell us why your project needs to happen, why it needs to happen now and what opportunities your project will address.

For example, tell us:

  • how your project supports the delivery of the Welsh Government’s wider Nature Networks Programme
  • if the risk to your heritage is critical and how your project will address this
  • about any partnership funding that is available to you now that won’t be in the future
  • what will happen if you do not get a grant from us
  • why your project is important to your local community and why they want this project to happen
  • if there are any barriers to people engaging with the heritage and how your project will help remove these

[Text field – 500 words]

Is there a specific community your project is dedicated to serving? Select any that apply.

We use the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Data Standard to help us understand who our funding is reaching. If you think 75% or more of the people who could potentially be supported or benefit from your project come from one or more of these specific communities, tell us who they are.

Please select from the list below to reflect who your project will support. Choose any and all that apply, or choose ‘none of the above’ if this does not apply to your project.

If you are working with vulnerable people as part of your project, you will need to have safe-guarding policies and practices in place. You should also ensure that wellbeing for project staff, participants and visitors is considered throughout your project.

You should make reasonable adjustments to the way you deliver your project or services so that everyone can participate.

  • Communities experiencing ethnic or racial inequity, discrimination or inequality [Tick box]
  • Faith communities [Tick box]
  • People who have migrated and/or have experience of the immigration system [Tick box]
  • d/Deaf, disabled, blind, partially sighted and/or neurodivergent people [Tick box]
  • Older people (65 and over) [Tick box]
  • Younger people (under 25) [Tick box]
  • Women and girls [Tick box]
  • LGBTQ+ people [Tick box]
  • People who are educationally or economically disadvantaged [Tick box]
  • Specific groups that are not included already [Tick box]
  • None of the above [Tick box]

Who else have you approached about funding your project?

Tell us about any other funding:

  • you have secured to help towards the cost of your project
  • you are planning to apply for to support this project
  • you will raise through fundraising or crowdsourcing

Tell us if you have raised any non-cash contributions to help you deliver your project.

While we can fund the total cost of a project, you should explain why you are not able to raise any other funding from either your own resources or other sources.

[Text field – 500 words]

Our investment principles

Our four investment principles will guide all our grant decision making under our 10-year strategy, Heritage 2033.

Our investment principles are:

  • saving heritage
  • protecting the environment
  • inclusion, access and participation
  • organisational sustainability

We have explained below how the criteria of the Nature Networks Fund fits with the investment principles. You may focus more on some investment principles than others.

Explain how your project will save heritage.

Explain how your project will improve the condition and connectivity of the protected sites network, even if this will be in the future. For example, describe what specific actions you will undertake to improve the management of the habitats and species.

If your project is not taking place directly on a protected site, please explain how your project will bring value to the network in the long run. You may find it useful to refer to Natural Resources Wales' map of protected areas of land and sea to evidence how the location of activities outside of protected sites will develop connectivity.

[Text field – 500 words]

Explain how your project will protect the environment.

Explain how the actions you will take will mitigate the impacts of climate change and/or enhance capacity to adapt to the climate crisis.

[Text field – 500 words]

Explain how your project will increase inclusion, access and participation.

This fund supports the active involvement of communities in and around protected sites.

Your answer should explain how your staff, audience or volunteer profile will have changed through the project or if this is a project planning application how it would change in a future project. This may include:

  • improvements to the accessibility of a site
  • working with partners or other organisations to reach under-served audiences
  • supporting new individuals into the sector through jobs, training and/or apprenticeships

[Text field – 500 words]

Explain how your project will improve your organisational sustainability.

The protection of sites is reliant on strong organisations, good governance and robust project planning. The Nature Networks Fund can support project development and capacity building for future nature recovery projects. This work may include (but is not restricted to):

  • partnership development
  • landowner/community consultation and engagement
  • ecological surveying
  • feasibility studies
  • scheme design
  • other preparatory work for future capital projects

Your answer should explain how your organisation will develop and sustain skills and capacity to ensure a long-term future for protected sites in Wales.

[Text field – 500 words]

Delivering your project

How is your organisation best placed to deliver this project?

Tell us why specifically your organisation should run this project.

This may include:

  • any experience your organisation has in running similar projects
  • staff and/or Board members and Trustees’ knowledge and skills
  • your organisation’s capacity to deliver the project at the same time as your usual work
  • your connections with other relevant projects or organisations

[Text field – 500 words]

How will you manage running your project?

Tell us how your project will be managed day to day and about the people involved.

This should include telling us:

  • who will make decisions, the experience of the people involved and their roles in the project
  • about staff posts, apprentices, traineeships, or any other paid opportunities, that your project will create
  • about any volunteering opportunities your project will create. Volunteers are people who give up their time for free to help deliver your project
  • if you are moving an existing staff member into a post created by this project or are extending the hours of an existing staff member to work on the project, tell us how they are qualified for the role

Remember, you must openly advertise all new staff posts, unless you are moving an existing staff member into a post created by this project or are extending the hours of an existing staff member to work on the project.

[Text field – 500 words]

Will your project be delivered by a partnership?

Tell us who your partners are, the nature of your partnerships and how you will work together.

If you are working with any other organisations to carry out your project, we would like to see your partnership agreement. If you have one, you will be able to upload it here.

This document should outline all partner's roles and responsibilities and should be signed by all parties. This agreement should reflect the needs of your project and you may need to seek independent advice.

You do not need to provide a partnership agreement unless another organisation is delivering a significant part of your project.

  • No, the project will not be delivered by a partnership [Tick box]
  • Yes, the project will be delivered by a partnership [Tick box]

If yes: Tell us about your partners

[Text field – 500 words]

Upload partnership agreement.

[Choose file]

How will you evaluate your project?

You must evaluate your project and provide a written evaluation report once you finish your project.

You will need to create an evaluation plan at the start of your project. This will be an outline of how you are going to collect data to measure, analyse and understand what you are doing and ultimately to provide evidence about what your project has achieved.

Tell us who will carry out your evaluation. This could be staff within your organisation or an individual or organisation who you will need to employ. You should provide a brief for this work as a supporting document.

We would expect to see costs for your evaluation included in your project costs.

[Text field – 500 words]

Will any of your project take place in Wales?

All Nature Networks projects must take place in Wales. Tick Yes.

  • No, none of our project will take place in Wales [Tick box]
  • Yes, all or some of our project will take place in Wales [Tick box]

You must include the Welsh language in all aspects of your work.

Please tell us how you will use the Welsh language in your project, and make sure that this information is included in your project budget and plan. Please include budget for translation costs under the 'Other' costs category in the project costs section.

[Text field – 500 words]

Tell us about any key challenges or potential risks to your project that you have identified.

We know that all projects face challenges and risks. Tell us about the challenges or risks you have identified, which could have an impact on your project.

Your risk register should provide more detailed information about these challenges or risks and how you will manage these.

We would expect to see contingency within your project costs to help manage these identified challenges or risks.

[Text field – 500 words]

Project costs

Tell us how much it will cost to deliver your project.

You should include all costs relating to your project. You must tell us which costs are capital and which are revenue. Please refer to the application guidance for detail on what we consider to be capital and revenue costs.

Please use the project costs template to outline your costs as revenue or capital, in addition to detailing these costs here.

You will need to add a new cost for each separate project cost.

For example, if you are recruiting three new staff members to manage your project, you will need to add three different new staff costs. Each cost will need to have its own description and amount.


  • If you are claiming VAT on any of your project costs, make sure it cannot be reclaimed through other sources first. We cannot cover the costs of VAT that you can reclaim.
  • If your VAT status changes during your project we will reduce our contribution to the costs where you have been able to claim back the VAT.

Cost type [drop down list]

New staff
  • Include costs for staff who will be working on your project. Make sure to also include any applicable on-costs.
  • This could include new fixed-term contracts, secondments, apprenticeships and the costs of freelance staff to help deliver your project. Do not include the costs of paying trainees here.
  • In some circumstances it may be appropriate to include costs for maternity leave and/or redundancy payments. We expect your organisation to keep to good human-resource practice and follow all relevant laws, including paying at least National Living Wage to all project staff members.
Professional fees
  • Include costs for any services you will need to pay for during your project. For example, an ecologist or landscape architect.
  • Fees should be in line with professional guidelines and based on quotes from the professional or professional body you are paying.
  • This can include the cost of advertising and any travel expenses for interviews.
  • We expect your organisation to keep to good human-resource practice and follow all relevant laws.
Purchase price of heritage items
  • Do not use this cost heading. Acquisition of land is not eligible under the Nature Networks Fund.
Repair and conservation work
  • This includes costs of work to repair, restore or conserve a heritage item or site.
Event costs
  • Costs for any events, for example, refreshments or room hire.
Digital outputs
  • Costs for creating any digital works and meeting our digital requirements.
Equipment and materials, including learning materials
  • Costs for purchasing equipment and material, for example materials for creating leaflets and publications.
Training for staff
  • Existing and new staff may need training to carry out your project.
Training for volunteers
  • Existing and new volunteers may need training to carry out your project.
Travel for staff
  • To help staff travel to sites.
  • This could include costs for using public transport, or hiring a bicycle or car.
  • We encourage sustainable transport where possible (such as using an electric vehicle over a diesel vehicle), but understand that this may not always be possible.
  • Travel costs by car should be based on 45p a mile.
Travel for volunteers
  • To help volunteers travel to sites. Offering to pay for travel can help remove barriers that may stop people from volunteering.
  • This could include costs for using public transport, or hiring a bicycle or car.
  • We encourage sustainable transport where possible (such as using an electric vehicle over a diesel vehicle), but understand that this may not always be possible. In some circumstances it may be more appropriate to hire a minibus if a large number of volunteers are travelling to the same place.
  • Travel costs by car should be based on 45p a mile.
Expenses for staff
  • Include costs for staff expenses. You should cover any costs staff incurred as a result of delivering your project.
  • For example, this could include costs for refreshments or accommodation.
Expenses for volunteers
  • Include costs for volunteer expenses. Offering to pay for expenses can help remove barriers that may stop people from volunteering.
  • For example, this could include costs for refreshments, care of dependents and support worker costs.

Do not use this cost type to pay for volunteer time. Remember volunteers are people who give their time for free, and you should not include costs to reimburse volunteers for any time they spend on your project.

  • Include costs that do not fit within any of the other cost headings. Please make sure you give a clear description of what these costs are.
  • Make sure you include sufficient costs for translation into the Welsh language here.
  • You may also wish to include costs for reasonable adjustments here.
Publicity and promotion
  • Include costs for promotional materials that relate directly to your project.
  • Make sure you also include sufficient costs for acknowledging the support of the Welsh Government.
  • This cost heading is mandatory as all projects must be evaluated.
  • Include costs for evaluating your project from the beginning. You may wish to employ an individual or organisation to support you with this.
  • We recommend the costs are proportionate to the scale of your project.
  • This cost heading is mandatory. Contingency is used to pay for unexpected costs required to deliver your project.
  • We would expect the amount of contingency included to help manage your identified challenges or risks. It should also reflect the scale of your project.
  • Make sure that you only include your required contingency here and not within the other cost headings in your application.
New build work
  • Include the costs of any new building work which might be taking place as a result of your project.
Community grants
  • You can include costs for any payments to third party owners, including private owners, for activities and capital works that contribute to achieving your overall aims for your project.
Full cost recovery
  • Full cost recovery is a cost type used to cover indirect costs of a project. Indirect costs include overheads, or costs which are not directly related to the project your organisation is delivering, but which are essential for the running of your organisation.
  • If you are an organisation in the voluntary sector, we can cover a proportion of your organisation’s overheads, which must be appropriate to the time or resources used for your project. By voluntary sector we mean organisations that are independent of government and whose governance, finance and resources have a voluntary focus. For example, a voluntary sector organisation might:
    • have a Board of Trustees
    • be funded by grants and donations
    • rely upon volunteers to carry out their aims
    • Include any costs for full cost recovery here.
  • Include any appropriate costs which will adequately cover predicted inflation. You should budget appropriately for inflation based on the project timescale, plus other factors such materials used, labour demands and location.

Description of cost [Text field – 50 words]

Amount [Number input, 1 or above]

VAT Amount [Number input, which can be 0]

Are you getting any cash contributions to support your project?

Cash contributions are other funds you expect to receive towards the cost of your project. This includes any cash contribution from your own organisation.

  • No, we are not getting cash contributions [Tick box]
  • Yes, we are getting cash contributions [Tick box]

If yes: Description of cash contribution [Text field]

Is this contribution secured? [options]

By secured we mean the cash in your bank account reserved specifically for this project, or the money has been formally offered.

  • Yes, and we can provide evidence [Tick box]

If yes: Upload evidence. This could be a letter confirming the offer or a copy of bank statements showing the funds in your account.

Upload evidence [Choose files]

  • Yes, but we do not have evidence yet [Tick box]
  • No [Tick box]
  • Not sure [Tick box]

Amount [Number input, 1 or above]

Are you getting any non-cash contributions to support your project?

Non-cash contributions are things that you need for your project that you do not have to pay for.

For example, the use of a room in a local business or materials being donated by a local company. 

  • No, we are not getting non-cash contributions [Tick box]
  • Yes, we are getting non-cash contributions [Tick box]

If yes: Description of non-cash contribution [Text field]

Estimated value [Number input, 1 or above]

Provide an estimate of how much this would have cost if your project had to pay for it.

Supporting documents

Please note the supporting documents required for this programme are different to those stated on the application form.


Upload your organisation’s accounts.

You must provide your most recently audited or accountant verified accounts.

Accounts need to be:

  • in the legal name of your organisation
  • dated
  • signed with a handwritten signature. This does not include digital signatures
  • Include the title of the person who is signing them. This person must be a director, trustee, accountant, or other senior figure in your organisation.

If your organisation’s accounts are older than 18 months, you must also provide three months of your most recent bank statements. This should be the three months before the date you submit your application.

If your organisation was set up less than 14 months ago and does not have a set of audited accounts, you must provide your last three bank statements or a letter from your bank confirming that your organisation has opened a bank account.

We do not need to see your accounts if you are a public organisation, for example a local authority or university.

Upload your accounts [Choose file]

Project plan and risk register

Upload your project plan and risk register.

All projects must submit a project plan and risk register. We recommend you use the Nature Networks project plan template.

Upload your project plan and risk register [Choose files]

Project costs template

Upload your project costs template detailing each project cost as either capital or revenue.

To do this you should add CAP or REV before each cost description. For example, “CAP Fencing materials”

Partnership agreement

Mandatory if you are working in partnership

Job descriptions

Upload job descriptions for any new staff or apprentices.

If you plan to recruit new staff or apprentices to help you deliver your project, you need to provide a job description for each new post. If you are moving a current member of staff into a project role, or extending their hours to support the project, you still need to provide a job description.

Each job description should include the proposed salary and working hours.

Upload any job descriptions [Choose file]


Upload briefs for any commissioned work.

Briefs describe any work you plan to commission during your project.

If you are commissioning work, for example from an artist or architect, then you should provide a brief. The brief should describe the works, how long they will take, and how much they will cost.

You can find a template brief on our website.

Upload any briefs for work [Choose file]

Full cost recovery

Upload calculations for full cost recovery

If you have included full cost recovery as a cost heading in your project costs, you must provide a document that shows how you have calculated this.

Costs should be proportionate to the time or resources used for your project. We can also cover a proportion of the cost of an existing member of staff, as long as they are not working exclusively on the funded project in a new post.

Upload your full cost recovery calculation [Choose file]


Please provide:

  • a map of the project site(s)
  • a map showing where the site is located on a regional scale
  • ShapeFile, Tab File or KML showing your project site(s) as polygons

Other images of the site are not required.

[Choose file]

Evidence of support

Provide up to six pieces of evidence of support from other organisations or individuals who are committed to helping deliver your project or are key to your project’s success.

This could include:

  • permission from landowners to access sites
  • confirmation from a local community group that their members will take part in your planned activities
  • confirmed offers of financial support from other funding organisations

We do not need to see general statements in support of your project.

Upload any evidence of support [Choose file]

Ownership documents

If you are planning any capital works please provide copies of any relevant ownership documents. For example, Land Registry ownership documents or a lease or heads of terms.

Check your answers

You will be shown a summary of all your answers.

You will also have the option to go back and change an answer if needed.

Confirm declaration

You will be asked to read and agree with our declaration.

Now that you’re happy with your application, you are ready to apply for funding.

We run qualitative user research to help us to develop our products and services. This could be from a 20-minute survey to a two-hour interview.

Tick this box if you would like to be involved in our research, or find out more. [Tick box]

We may contact you from time to time to keep you informed about the work of The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Tick this box if you wish to be kept informed of our work [Tick box]

I have read and agreed with the declaration. [Tick box]


a) Data Protection

We are committed to being as open and transparent as possible. This includes being clear about how we assess and make decisions on our grants and how we will use your application form and other documents you give us. We follow all data protection laws and regulations that are applicable and in force from time to time (the 'Data Protection legislation'). As defined by the Data Protection legislation the Trustees of the National Heritage Memorial Fund (who administer the National Lottery Heritage Fund) is a data controller. Our Privacy Policy contains additional information including contact information for our Data Protection Officer. It can be found on the National Lottery Heritage Fund website.

As part of the application process we will collect your name and position at the organisation you represent as well as any additional personal information you supply about you or others involved in your project. We may share this information with one of the consultants on our Register of Support Services if they are appointed to help support you on your project. We do not transfer your data to any third parties based outside of the EU.

We may use your application form and other documents you give us:

  • To decide whether to give you a grant.
  • To provide copies to other individuals or organisations who are helping us to assess, monitor and evaluate grants.
  • To share information with organisations and individuals working with us with a legitimate interest in National Lottery applications and grants or specific funding programmes.
  • To hold in a database and use for statistical purposes.
  • If we offer you a grant, we will publish information about you relating to the activity we have funded, including the amount of the grant and the activity it was for. This information may appear in our press releases, in our print and online publications, and in the publications or websites of relevant Government departments and any partner organisations who have funded the activity with us.
  • If we offer you a grant, you will support our work to demonstrate the value of heritage by contributing (when asked) to publicity activities during the period we provide funding for and participating in activities to share learning, for which we may put other grantees in contact with you.

b) Freedom of Information

As a public organisation we are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 which give the public a right of access to the information that we hold, unless any exemptions apply. This includes any recorded information provided to us by our applicants and grantees.

When you complete the Declaration at the end of the application form, you are confirming that you have no objection to us releasing the application form and any other information you provide to us to anyone who asks to see them once your application has completed the assessment process. If there is any information that you don't want made publicly available, please explain your reasons below:

[Text box]

If we receive a request for information we will always consult you first and will take your comments into account and will apply the exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004. However, the decision to release or withhold your information is our decision and we will not be responsible for any loss or damage you suffer as a result of our meeting these responsibilities.

  • I confirm that the organisation named on this application has given me the authority to complete this application on its behalf.
  • I confirm that the activity in the application falls within the purposes and legal powers of the organisation.
  • I confirm that the organisation has the power, if awarded a grant, to accept and pay back the grant.
  • I confirm that, as far as I know, the information in this application is true and correct.

Application submission

Your application has been submitted!

What happens next?

  1. We will send you an email soon with a project reference number.
  2. We will check your application and the information provided, to make sure we have everything we need to assess your application. This will include checking you have provided all the appropriate supporting documents.
  3. We may contact you to request more information or documents if needed.
  4. We will check your application and once we have everything we need to assess your application, we will let you know our decision within eight weeks.

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.