Welsh Government grant logos and acknowledgement requirements

Welsh Government grant logos and acknowledgement requirements

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As part of your grant from the Welsh Government, you must acknowledge your funding on social media, through press releases, and by displaying our partnership logo. The information on this page will help you to do this.

There are five funding programmes that we deliver (or have delivered) on behalf/in partnership with the Welsh Government: Nature Networks, Community Woodlands, The Woodland Investment Grant (TWIG), Local Places for Nature and Local Places for Nature – Breaking Barriers.

How to refer to your grant

If you are referencing your grant in marketing materials such as press releases or on your website, please use the following lines, according to the programme you are receiving funding from:

Nature Networks

This project is funded by the Nature Networks Programme. It is being delivered by the Heritage Fund, on behalf of the Welsh Government.

Ariennir y prosiect yma gan y Rhaglen Rhwydweithiau Natur. Mae'n cael ei ddarparu gan y Gronfa Treftadaeth, ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru.

Community Woodlands

This project is funded by the Community Woodlands scheme. It is being delivered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund in partnership with the Welsh Government. 

Ariennir y prosiect yma gan y cynllun Coetiroedd Cymunedol. Mae'n cael ei ddarparu gan Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol mewn partneriaeth â Llywodraeth Cymru.


This project is funded by The Woodland Investment Grant (TWIG) scheme. It is being delivered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund in partnership with the Welsh Government. 

Ariennir y prosiect hwn gan gynllun y Grant Buddsoddi mewn Coetiroedd (TWIG). Mae'n cael ei ddarparu gan Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol mewn partneriaeth â Llywodraeth Cymru. 

Local Places for Nature

This project is funded by the Local Places for Nature scheme. It is being delivered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund in partnership with the Welsh Government. 

Ariennir y prosiect yma gan y cynllun Lleoedd Lleol ar gyfer Natur. Mae'n cael ei ddarparu gan Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol mewn partneriaeth â Llywodraeth Cymru.

Local Places for Nature – Breaking Barriers

This project is funded by the Local Places for Nature – Breaking Barriers scheme. It is being delivered by the Heritage Fund, on behalf of the Welsh Government.

Ariennir y prosiect hwn gan y cynllun Lleoedd Lleol ar gyfer Natur – Chwalu Rhwystrau. Mae'n cael ei ddarparu gan y Gronfa Treftadaeth, ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru.

Coetiroedd Bach: Tiny Forests in Wales

This project is funded by the Coetiroedd Bach: Tiny Forests in Wales scheme. It is being delivered by the Heritage Fund, on behalf of the Welsh Government.

Ariennir y prosiect hwn gan y cynllun Coetiroedd Bach yng Nghymru. Darperir y ddwy raglen grant hyn gan y Gronfa Treftadaeth ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru.

Using our partnership logo

You can download the relevant bilingual partnership logo(s) you need from this page and use them anywhere where people can clearly see them. Please read the information below to determine which partnership logo is right for you. 

The National Lottery

Nature Networks Fund (round two), Community Woodlands, TWIG and Local Places for Nature are jointly funded by the Welsh Government and money raised by The National Lottery. Therefore, for these programmes, please use our logo with The National Lottery crossed fingers in the top left corner.

Breaking Barriers, Coetiroedd Bach: Tiny Forests in Wales and Nature Networks (round one, three and four) are funded only by the Welsh Government, so please use our logo without the crossed fingers.

You can download your relevant logo from either of the following folders:

The National Lottery funded – Welsh Gov partner logos
Non-Lottery funded – Welsh Gov partner logos

Logo formats

We have logos available in the following formats:

  • JPEG – this format is widely used for standard publishing (for example, to use on PowerPoint or MS word.) These are available in black only.
  • PNG – for high quality web publishing
  • EPS (also known as Encapsulated PostScript image) – for high quality printing, used by graphic designers

When using a partnership logo, please use it in its entirety to ensure the funding and delivery relationship is maintained.

The logos should never be altered, for example, do not: distort or resize disproportionately, use one language on its own as they must be bilingual, remove any typeface, or change the direction of the Welsh dragon – it must always face to the left.


There are two colour versions of the partnership logos: black and white.

Your background colour will determine which version to use:

  • if using a one-colour print, use the black version of the logo
  • when placing the logo on dark-coloured backgrounds, always use the white version of the logo

The logo must only be reproduced in black or white, do not use any other colour.

Large acknowledgement

For larger acknowledgement materials – for example on outdoor interpretation panels – please make sure the logo is big enough to be clearly visible from a distance of five metres.

Minimum size

The minimum size refers to the whole width of the partnership logo. To make sure the logo is clear and legible, the minimum size it should appear is 108mm in print and 306px on screen.

Media and public relations

Before initiating or taking part in any promotion about work we have funded, you must get in touch with your Investment Manager or The National Lottery Heritage Fund press office. Keep them informed of any further press activities.

Sharing on social media

If possible and where space allows, please tag the Welsh Government and the Heritage Fund in your posts.


@WGClimateChange / @NewidHinsawdd


Instagram and Facebook

@WGClimateChange / @NewidHinsawdd



@WelshGovernment / @LlywodraethCym


Our hashtags

There are different hashtags for each funding programme:

  • Nature Networks: #NatureNetworks / #RhwydweithiauNatur
  • Community Woodlands: #NationalForestWales / #CoedwigGenedlaetholCymru
  • TWIG: #NationalForestWales / #CoedwigGenedlaethol
  • Local Places for Nature and Breaking Barriers: #LocalPlacesForNature / #LleoeddLleolArGyferNatur
  • Coetiroedd Bach: Tiny Forests in Wales: #TinyForests / #CoetiroeddBach


Using great pictures will give your posts the best chance of gaining attention. Use anything that shows the value of the amazing work you do.

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.