Guidance for grantees on government embargoes and sanctions

Guidance for grantees on government embargoes and sanctions

What you need to know about complying with your grant contract and the government’s expectations for spending public money.

As an arm’s length body of the government, we must ensure that our grants are not used to fund organisations who are supporting extremism, criminal activity and/or who are subject to embargoes and sanctions.

It is a term of grant contracts across all our funding programmes (both for National Lottery grants and programmes that we administer on behalf of others) that grantees must follow all legislation and regulations that apply to their project.

You should carry out your own due diligence on any funds, contracts or individuals linked to places that may be subject to government embargoes and sanctions.

If your project is affected, please contact your Investment Manager or local office. We reserve the right to withhold grant payments if we consider public funds are at risk.

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