15-Minute Heritage Grants

15-Minute Heritage Grants

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Grants of between £3,000 - £10,000 for projects based in Wales that will encourage engagement with their local heritage.


15-Minute Heritage Grants is now closed to new applications. Explore our available funding.


The aim of this grant scheme is to support small-scale projects which help to connect communities with heritage in their local area.  

We are offering grants of between £3,000 - £10,000 for projects based in Wales that will encourage engagement with their local heritage (if you have a project idea over £10,000 please contact us to discuss).

We wish to see people connect with and benefit from the heritage located on their doorstep such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, parks and sports grounds. Through sharing stories about the everyday places and finding out about the past, we strengthen our connections with the community around us.

  • projects delivered in Wales only
  • open for applications until 14 October 2020. Deadline extended to 5pm on 15 October 2020
  • projects must be delivered by 31 March 2021


The experience of the lockdown in response to coronavirus (COVID-19) was a powerful reminder of the value and importance of the local environment to communities. Connecting with nature and heritage can be critical for maintaining personal mental and physical wellbeing.   

We would like to build on this by helping people to strengthen their connections with their local area, tell their stories and find out about their past and the places where they live.   

Whether they live in a city, a town or the countryside, everyone can benefit from the heritage of their immediate environment such as the buildings, monuments and landscapes that can be found within 15 minutes or so from their front door.

Every corner of Wales has been made and shaped by the many people who have lived and worked there: their legacy in the environment is our heritage today.

Who can apply

The fund will support:

  • Projects led by local authorities and a range of third sector organisations including those already involved in the promotion of heritage at a community level, such as local history and civic societies, and voluntary groups with an interest in heritage. Museums with projects that explore the heritage outside their doors are also welcome to apply.  
  • Organisations that care for heritage attractions in Wales including not for profit organisations who care for historic buildings and sites that open their doors to visitors more than 28 days a year, such as historic places of worship
  • Private owners of heritage can apply as long as the funded activity is free to access, invites exploration by local community members and makes an effort to engage those members of the community who could benefit from it most. We recommend contacting us to discuss your project before making an application
  • We particularly encourage community groups who are not heritage-based to get involved and to explore their interpretation of heritage by taking a closer look at what’s on their doorsteps. Local landmarks could be buildings, footpaths, skateparks, schools, community halls, parks, bridges or barns – they’ve all played their part in shaping the landscape we see around us today.  Applications are welcome from any project which recognises and interprets this.  

Many objects or places are important to more than one person or group and can have different meanings to different people. What is a local mountain-bike trail to one person could be more significant as a former colliery site to someone else. Projects which explore these different meanings and encourage people to see different points of view are encouraged to apply.

What we expect from projects  

The aim of this grant scheme is to support local projects which help to connect communities with heritage in their local area. The emphasis will be on projects that encourage engagement with local heritage through place, including buildings, sites and monuments, parks and gardens.

We also actively encourage projects that aim to find value in unexpected ways, and in places that aren’t ordinarily seen as historic, but which create stronger connections between heritage and local residents’ sense of place and community. Heritage isn’t all about castles or listed buildings. It can also be the corner shop, the pub or the post box.

We recognise that there are layered stories in every place, and we encourage projects that seek to share diverse interpretations of heritage, for example between generations, ethnic groups or specialist interest groups.  

As part of your planning, you will need to factor in requirements for social distancing and COVID-related measures required by Welsh Government. Please follow the Welsh Government’s guidance: Culture and heritage destinations and venues: guidance for a phased return. You should ensure that any proposed activities for which you are requesting funding will not represent significant additional risks if Government guidance on social distancing and public events becomes more restricted.  

What you can apply for

This grant scheme will support a variety of activities that deepen people’s engagement with heritage in the local environment and see it as a way of connecting people and place. These might be projects that encourage a closer look at the built environment, or that develop an awareness of the history hidden beneath our feet. They might be projects that enable personal stories about place to be shared.

Activities might include the creation of walking trails, murals or pop-up window displays and the development of digital resources, for example interactive maps, videos, exhibitions and podcasts. We encourage digital projects to use existing public platforms to share their content rather than creating new websites that require ongoing management. Small-scale physical works such as the erection of plaques or interpretive panels would also be eligible.

We are particularly looking for innovative ways of identifying and celebrating local heritage through the arts, music, storytelling, crafting projects or outdoor activities such as cycling and walking. The common thread to all applications is to inspire more people to look more closely at their local places. 

  • You can apply for 100% of the project costs. 
  • Third sector organisations will be able to apply for full cost recovery including existing staff costs as part of their project costs.  
  • We would encourage applications to include a small contingency to cover any cost increases.
  • We will aim to notify applicants of decisions by 6 November 2020.
  • We are unable to fund any costs prior to being given permission to start which will usually take around two weeks from decision to process. All money must be spent by 31 March 2021.
  • Projects will be expected to undertake their own evaluation. Costs can be included in the budget.  
  • Any nature projects should first look at the Local Places for Nature programme before making an application. Please contact us if you want further guidance on which programme to apply for.

Welsh language 

You must offer and actively promote your project’s activities in both Welsh and English. Carefully consider your project costs of working bilingually so that they can be included within the project budget.

If you require further guidance or advice on how to incorporate the Welsh language in your project, please contact our engagement team on walescontact@heritagefund.org.uk 


You will need to acknowledge your grant as set out in National Lottery Heritage Fund and Welsh Government / Cadw guidance.

How to apply

  • You can contact our engagement team with any pre-application enquiries by e-mailing walescontact@heritagefund.org.uk or calling 029 2034 3413 
  • Apply via the application portal on our website. If you are a first-time applicant, you will first need to register on the portal. Once logged in to the portal, choose £3,000 to £10,000 from the pull-down menu. 
  • Complete the application form provided and use the application help notes available below.  
  • Submit the application to us online (via the portal) before 14 October 2020. Deadline extended to 5pm on 15 October 2020
  • Remember – your project must be delivered before 31 March 2021 with project completion paperwork and evaluation to be submitted by 31 May 2021.  
  • Include the supporting documents required

Governing documents 

Local authorities and public bodies do not need to supply governing documents but all other organisations should provide a copy of their governing document with their application. 

Include your most recent audited or accountant verified accounts. If you are a newly formed organisation and do not have a set of audited accounts, please submit your last three bank statements or a letter from your bank confirming that you have opened an account. We do not need your accounts if you are a public organisation (for example, a local authority).

Include letters of support from the people involved in your project. For example, if you are planning to deliver workshops at local youth clubs then a letter of support will show us that they want to take part.  The letters of support should also demonstrate that you have consulted with the local community and that there’s a demand and commitment to take part in your project.  

Naming your project

Please start your project title with #15 to help us correctly identify your application. For example: #15 – Sharing the heritage of Aberystwyth town. There is a limit of 15 words.

Application help notes - Section 1

Question 1a – if no, please tell us the reference number of your most recent application.  

Question 1b - Tell us in no more than 500 words:

  • what you will do
  • who will be involved 
  • what you will be spending the funding on 
  • how you plan to evaluate your project 
  • how you will share what you have learned with a wide range of people 

Please note the description you provide here is the only part of your application form which is seen by decision takers. This is presented alongside our assessment of your application.

Question 1c – Please select the options that apply. 

Question 1d – Please use the postcode where the project will take place.   

Question 1e – Enter your project start and finish date. Your project must not start before we have assessed it and we have given you permission to start your project. To obtain permission to start you will need to submit a form online and provide us with: 

  • your bank account details 
  • proof of ownership/leasehold requirements (if relevant) 

Project expenditure MUST be completed by 31 March 2021.  

Question 1f – There is a limit of 300 words for this question.

Question 1g – Please select Community Heritage.  

Question 1h – Detail any small-scale physical works such as the erection of plaques or interpretive panels here. If no capital costs are involved write ‘n/a’.  

If yes, tell us: 

  • if you own the heritage to be worked on
  • if not, whether you have permission from the owner 
  • if the works will follow conservation good practice 
  • if the work requires any Statutory Permissions or Licenses 
  • if the Statutory Permissions or Licenses are in place 

There is a limit of 200 words for this question. 

Question 1i – For example: 

  • tell people how to get to your site or events by public transport 
  • use local suppliers 
  • use recycled and/or environmentally friendly materials 
  • recycle your waste 
  • tell people about the environmental measures you have implemented 

There is a limit of 150 words for this question.

Question 1j - Think about where the things you will produce will go after your project has finished, how the outcome will be maintained and how you will manage your heritage in the future. If your project will create anything in a digital format please read the digital outputs section of the programme application guidance.

Application help notes - Section 2

Q2 You will only need to deliver two outcomes as part of your project :

  • our mandatory outcomes, which is ‘A wider range of people will be involved in heritage’ as a result of your project 
  • heritage will be identified and better explained 

Only tick the two outcomes listed above and tell us how your project will work towards achieving both outcomes.  

If your application is successful you will need to tell us how your project achieved the outcomes in your end-of-grant reporting.  

Outcomes are changes, impacts, benefits or any effects that happen as a result of your project.

A wider range of people will be involved in heritage: 

There will be more people engaging with heritage and this audience will be more diverse than before your project. 

How will you know what you have achieved? 

You will be able to show that your audience profile has changed. For example, it includes people from a wider range of ages, ethnicities and social backgrounds; more disabled people; or groups of people who have never engaged with your heritage before.

Heritage will be identified and better explained:

There will be clearer explanations and/or new or improved ways to help people make sense of heritage. For example, this might include creating a heritage trail presented as a smartphone friendly website or app. It could feature various trails highlighting information, stories and traditions of sights along the way. Other projects might want to encourage the local community to share and develop an online archive of memories and stories with activities that encourage engagement and interpretation of the local heritage.  

How will you know what you have achieved? 

Visitors and users will tell you that the interpretation and information you provide:

  • are high quality
  • easy to use and appropriate for their needs and interests
  • enhance their understanding
  • improve their experience of heritage

Application help notes - Sections 3 to 6 

Please use our standard application help notes for grants of between £3,000 to £10,000 to answer sections 3 to 6.    

Please note: third sector organisations will be able to apply for full cost recovery including existing staff time as part of their project costs.   

The National Lottery Heritage Fund Wales distributed the 15-Minute Heritage Grants in partnership with Cadw – the Welsh Government’s historic environment service.

15 minute heritage partner logos

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.