A quick peek at our forthcoming digital campaign, plus new funding

Earlier this year we announced our intention to launch a digital campaign aimed at helping heritage organisations to achieve their own digital goals.
The official launch is still a few months away, but we are busy readying for it by setting up various workstreams, or "tranches".
Different tranches of help
All of the tranches are designed to help heritage organisations grow their digital skills in one way or another. However, they vary in nature depending on where organisations are starting, from a digital perspective.
For those smaller organisations that don’t have much digital experience at all, we’ll be doing some face-to-face outreach to help them understand what’s possible, and why it might matter to them. That's one tranche.
For smaller organisations that already use digital, but who would really like to learn more, we’ll be funding free skills development support to help people up their digital game. We’ll also be making some grants directly to organisations with some digital skills, but which are looking to build more. This represents two more tranches.
For senior leaders and trustees in medium-to-large organisations, we’ll be offering the chance to learn digital leadership skills with their peers.
More details will be available when we formally launch the digital campaign in early 2020.
New funding available for digital skills providers
In order for us to offer the mix of skills development support outlined above, we’ll be making some grants and awarding some contracts over the next few months. This is because as a funder we do not ourselves have the capacity to directly assist heritage organisations to grow their digital skills - we need to fund specialists to deliver that work.
Kicking this off, we’ve just opened up a limited-term funding stream called Digital Campaign Tranche 2. It represents a grant pot of £250,000, and is focused quite specifically on increasing the provision of support for heritage organisations seeking to improve their own digital skills.
You can find application details in the funding section of the website.
Further opportunities to bid for grants or contracts will be publicised on the website as they become live. If you would like to be notified by email of funding and contracts for this digital campaign, please email my colleague: Harriet Hall. We will use this data only for this purpose and then will delete the records. For more information on what we do with your personal data, please visit our Privacy Policy.