Freedom of information requests 2020–2021

Freedom of information requests 2020–2021

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This list contains every Freedom of Information request we have received between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021.

April 2020

  • Requester sought information on the details of the National Museum of the Royal Navy’s submission of their Expression of Interest and decision meeting minutes. The letter of invitation for a full application and the grant decision letter was provided with personal information redacted under section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), personal information. The meeting minutes was withheld under section 22 of the FOIA, information intended for future publication.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s telephone maintenance. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the final Evaluation Report, the rejection of the first application and a copy of the project plan for the Telling the history of Colyton with the digitisation, preservation and interpretation of the Feoffees archives projects. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of the FOIA.
  • Requester sought any information that The National Lottery Heritage Fund holds that look at the equality or diversity implications of the Heritage Emergency Fund. Extracts from reports, meeting notes, the Equality Impact Assessment and internal emails were provided, with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s data technology. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s IT service. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s mobile contracts. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the application form and project plan for the Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives project. The application form was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA and a redaction made under section 22 of FOIA, information intended for future publication. A project plan is not required for this size of grant award.

May 2020

  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund's ERP systems. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the bid made for Bradford City Hall Heritage Project. The requester was directed to the organisation.
  • Requester sought information on IT department documents. The IT organogram and IT strategy 2017–2019 was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s inbound mail. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s outbound mail. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on how funding of the Making a Buzz project was used and managed. The organisation already responded to the request before our deadline.
  • Requester sought information on material held relating to the purchase by the Heritage Fund of the pre-1945 archived papers of Winston Churchill. This information had been deleted as per our retention schedule.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s contract register. This was provided with some information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s enterprise applications. This information was provided.

June 2020

  • Requester sought information on the application form for the Thetford Guildhall Heritage Hub project. Sections 1, 2 and 4 of the application form was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s grants to Anglican churches. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s IT software. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information the Cairngorms Capercaillie project. Progress reports and expert advice for the project were provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA, and the development phase costs were also provided.
  • Requester sought information on IT department documents. The IT organogram and IT strategy 2017–2019 was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the Coram’s Fields project. The application form and case paper was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the revised business plan for The Hold project. This information was provided with some information redacted under section 43(2) of FOIA, commercial interest.

July 2020

  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s intranet queries. This information was provided.
  • Follow up request. Requester sought information on the funding bid form for the Unlocking the heritage of Maze/Long Kesh. The development round application form was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Follow up request. Requester sought information on the full application form for the Thetford Guildhall Heritage Hub project and the contact details of the committee that would have made the decision. The application form was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA. The requester was also given a link for funding guidance and the contact details of the Midlands and East area.
  • Follow up request. Requester sought information on assessment and/or maintenance reports for Coram’s Fields, information on Coram’s Field applications since 1999 and relevant applications and assessments. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s digital and data strategies. This information was provided.

August 2020

  • Follow up request. Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s telecoms and networks. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the terms and conditions which have applied to all grants from the Heritage Fund to the Museum of the Home. The terms of grant was provided for 14 projects with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought a breakdown of the ethnicity of the Heritage Fund’s chair and board members. This information was provided.
  • Follow up request. Requester sought information on correspondence between the Heritage Fund and Colyton Parish History Society. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Follow up request. Requester sought information on the supporting documents for the Thetford Guildhall Heritage Hub project application. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on grant funding for public parks and green spaces. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on grants to places of worship. This information was provided.
  • Follow up request. Requester sought information on the List of Participants in the Reference Groups for the Maze/Long Kesh site project. This information was provided.
  • Follow up request. Requester sought information on case papers and conservation management plans for Coram’s Fields projects. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s mobile and telephony contracts. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the application and terms and conditions of the grant to The Rom Skatepark: Celebrating 40 Years of Rad project. The application form and grant notification letter was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on all requests to the Heritage Fund concerning 59 Rodney Street Liverpool between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2003. This information was provided.

September 2020

  • Requester sought information on the application forms, supporting documents and correspondence for Brent Borough Council’s Culture programme project. Brent Borough of Culture programme. This information was provided with some information redacted under section 40 and section 22 of FOIA.
  • Follow up request. Requester sought information on correspondence between the Heritage Fund and Colyton Parish History Society. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the application form for the Acquisition of land to extend RSPB Campfield Marsh Nature project. The Heritage Fund did not hold any relevant information, and this was a nil return.
  • Requester sought information on documents the Heritage Fund holds on the Saltdean Lido Regeneration Project. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on applications and grants awarded to NI Raptor Study Group. The Heritage Fund did not hold any relevant information, and this was a nil return.
  • Requester sought information on the application and assessment for the Leiston Long Shop Museum Trust project. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the volunteer work database for the Kingfisher Trail project. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Follow up request. Requester sought information on the receiving a grant guidance for the Colyton Parish History Society project. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s IT and data. This information was provided.

October 2020

  • Requester sought information on the application form for the Buying Hazeland project. Sections 1, 2 and 4 of the application form were provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on awards under the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage. This information was provided.
  • Follow up request. Requester sought information on the delivery of the Colyton Parish History Society project. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the applications for the Glenwherry Project or Antrim Hills SPA. The Heritage Fund did not hold any relevant information, and this was a nil return.
  • Requester sought information on grants awarded to the hunt kennels at Belvoir Castle. The Heritage Fund did not hold any relevant information, and this was a nil return.
  • Requester sought information on the project locations for Green Recovery Challenge Fund projects. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the application and business plan for the Belsay Awakes scheme. This information was provided with some information redacted under section 40 and section 43(2) of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the Golden Hinde’s application to the Cultural Recovery Fund for Heritage and the assessment. This information was provided with some information redacted under section 40 and section 43(2) of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the eligibility criteria for the Cultural Recovery Fund for Heritage. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on correspondence cases and response timeliness. This information was provided.

November 2020

  • Requester sought information on grants awarded to Catrine Community Trust. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the distribution of The Heritage Fund’s grants to diverse ethnic communities. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the application forms for Youth Club Archive’s projects. Application forms for five projects were provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s senior leadership team. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on Betteshanger Country Park and information about grants over £5million. This information and the project’s application form, case paper and committee decision meeting minutes were provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.

December 2020

  • Requester sought information on the application form for The Bury Museum. Sections 2,3 and 4 of the application form were provided with some information redacted under section 43(2) of FOIA, commercial interest.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s management of physical documents. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s information security contact. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on Heritage Emergency Fund grants of £50,000 to £250,000. This information was provided, and the requester was given links to the decisions and guidance on The Heritage Fund’s website.
  • Requester sought information on the application for Penrith & District Red Squirrel Group’s project. The application form was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on AI chatbots & Digital Transformation. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on The Heritage Fund’s grants to geosites in the Black Country Geopark.

January 2021

  • Follow up request. Requester sought information on the governance document for Youth Club Archive. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the application for the Vision of the Past project. The application form and four supporting documents were provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on The Heritage Fund’s contract register. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the Rothesay Townscape Heritage Part 2 project. Sections 2, 3 and 4 of the application form were provided.
  • Requester sought information on the Gilbert White Museum, Selbourne project’s terms and conditions. The contract and grant notification letter were provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the third-party agreement for the Skell Valley Project. This was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information about funding decisions relating to a Wales Millennium Centre project. Various trustee and expert panel meeting minutes were provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Follow up request. Requester sought information on the project plan for the Penrith & District Red Squirrel Group’s project. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the National Lottery Distribution Fund and the five largest grants awarded to projects. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the Blakesley Reading Room project. Committee meeting minutes and papers were provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the Reclaiming Reds project. The application form, supporting documents, correspondence, schedule of decisions and case paper were provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA and some information redacted under section 43(2) of FOIA, commercial interest.

February 2021

  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s grants to churches. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the maintenance of Hadlow Tower. The Heritage Fund did not hold any relevant information, and this was a nil return.
  • Requester sought information on the approved usage for the CEVIC Building in Catrine. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on application forms submitted by Chabad Lubavitch of South London and Clapton Common Boys Club. The Heritage Fund did not hold any relevant information, and this was a nil return.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s grants to projects involving the control of grey squirrels. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on correspondence between the Heritage Fund and the Museum of Military Medicine. The Heritage Fund did not hold any relevant information, and this was a nil return.
  • Requester sought information on the Brackley Town Hall project. Meeting minutes and the application form were provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on funding decisions relating to Hartlebury Castle. Board meeting minutes were provided.
  • Requester sought information on the Gilbert White Museum, Selbourne project’s application form. This was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on funding awarded to Haig Mining Museum. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on The Heritage Fund’s grants to heritage buildings. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on Torquay Harbour Townscape Heritage Initiative project’s stage two submission and conservation management plan. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the Toll House project and the Heritage Enterprise programme. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the Heritage Fund’s grants to Lincoln Cathedral. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on evaluation reports for exhibitions that received First World War Centenary grants. The evaluation reports were provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information the Cultural Recovery Fund application form accessibility. The equality impact assessment was provided.

March 2021

  • Requester sought information on the history of Norfolk Heritage Park. The list description from the English Heritage register was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the terms and conditions of the Beckenham Place Park project. The grant notification letter was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on an express of interest form for a project. The Heritage Fund did not hold any relevant information, and this was a nil return.
  • Requester sought information on the approved purposes and outcomes of the Porthcawl Remembers project. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the contract for the Cefn Mawr Townscape Heritage Initiative project. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the volume of Freedom of Information requests, Subject Access Requests and complaints received by the Heritage Fund. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the project costs for the Cemetery Chapels Holbeach project. Section 5a of the application form was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the application for the Christchurch Healey project. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on approved purposes for the Hitcham All Saints Church. This information was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the application for The George, Wickham Market project. This information was provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.
  • Requester sought information on the Haig Mining Museum. The liquidators’ report was provided.
  • Requester sought information on the St Mary Clophill restoration and enhancement programme. Part of this information was provided. The Heritage Fund did not hold the evaluation report and this part of the request was a nil return.
  • Requester sought information on the grant awarded to the Cefn Mawr Townscape Heritage Initiative project and the programme guidance. The grant
  • information was provided. The Heritage Fund did not hold the guidance and this part of the request was a nil return.
  • Requester sought information on the Cambridge and County Folk Museum Redevelopment project. The application form, case paper, grant notification letter, contract and end of project report were provided with some personal information redacted under section 40 of FOIA.

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.