All Our Stories evaluation

All Our Stories evaluation

All Our Stories was a UK-wide community heritage programme designed to explore, share and celebrate local heritage.
Attachment Size
Executive summary 162.38 KB
Introduction 451.7 KB
All Our Stories case studies 1.67 MB

Between 2012 and 2014, 542 projects were awarded a total of £4.5million, with grants ranging from £3,000 to £10,000.

The All Our Stories programme enabled community-based groups and organisations to explore hundreds of lively local stories, and share the findings of people and places on Historypin.

Evaluation of the programme was carried out by an external consultancy, ICF GHK. They found a range of outcomes for participating local communities, which include:

  • the building and extending of community resources through the creation of new partnerships
  • increased understanding of local community networks
  • increased skills base of volunteers, through oral history training, sound recording and photography skills, which enabled participants to carry out further community heritage projects and share the findings more widely

The Media Trust helped community groups to digitally record their projects through blogging, social media, film and photography. The Arts Humanities Research Council and National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement  supported over 250 projects by providing access to specialist staff within universities. Project participants also benefitted from external training opportunities including in oral history and conservation skills, and other areas of professional heritage expertise.

All Our Stories was completed in 2014.

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