Northern Ireland: Committee decisions for September 2023

Northern Ireland: Committee decisions for September 2023

Schedule of decisions for The National Lottery Heritage Fund Committee for Northern Ireland meeting on 5 September 2023.

SFF delivery round applications

Divis and Black Mountain – A view to the Future

Applicant: The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty

Project description: Divis and the Black Mountain are in the heart of the Belfast hills, the largest green space in the Belfast area. It is comprised of heathland bog, wildlife and archaeological remains. After the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the visitor levels continues to rise while the area rests in one of the most socially-deprived areas in Northern Ireland. The aim is to enhance the natural and cultural assets, bringing together the local and wider communities in participation, whilst upskilling in biodiversity and learning.

Decision: AWARD delivery grant of £2,997,000 (63%) to include uplift of £515,900.


Strand Arts Centre – A Lasting Picture House

Applicant: Belfast City Council

Project description: To repair and refurbish The Strand Cinema, Northern Ireland’s only pre-war picture house situated on a prominent site in East Belfast. This capital restoration project will reinstate a valued authentic heritage asset in the local area. There is demand in the area for a community cinema, arts centre and museum experience. A wider range of people and communities will be involved over the course of the project and beyond.

Decision: AWARD delivery grant of £768,069 (11%) of total project costs.


Recreating a Great Place North Belfast

Applicant: Belfast Charitable Society

Project description: The area falls to the north of Belfast City Centre in a district of social deprivation, poor urban development and environmental neglect. The project aims to make sure the cluster of heritage assets can be developed and retained for the local community and, in turn, will provide growth and regeneration in the area.   

Decision: AWARD delivery grant of £682,552 (95%) of total project costs.


NI LGBTQ+ Heritage Project 

Applicant: HERe NI

Project description: To review the period of when the Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 was introduced to the present day. This will include history podcasts, heritage film clubs and a number of other community initiatives. There will be an emphasis on positive health, wellbeing and inclusion, and a focus on increasing skills.  

Decision: AWARD delivery grant of £337,131 (91%) of total project costs.

SFF development round applications

#DYC North West Civil Rights Archive

Applicant: The Bloody Sunday Trust

Project description: A three-year archive project collaboration with various partners, the Museum of Free Derry, Guildhall Press and Archive Ireland. This is an extensive archive covering the civil rights movement in the North-West and the City of Derry. The existing archives are at risk of deterioration. Preserving the archives – and the history in the region – would allow the expansion of the collection with the creation of new materials, including oral and film histories.

Decision: AWARD development grant of £40,301 (60%) of total eligible development costs, and potential delivery grant of £358,992 (56%).


Mourne Park – 500 years of undiscovered natural heritage

Applicant: The Woodland Trust 

Project description: The project is set in the Mourne Park estate in Southern Co Down. It is home to one of the most important areas of ancient and semi-natural woodland. Conservation work will involve restoration across 73 hectares of ancient woodland, with the removal of invasive non-native species, parkland restoration, reinstatement of historic pathways and conservation of a B2 listed river bridge.

Decision: AWARD development grant of £60,725 (61%) of total eligible development costs, and potential delivery grant of £2,509,210 (81%).

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.