Heritage Innovation Fund decisions, October 2024

Heritage Innovation Fund decisions, October 2024

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Heritage Innovation Fund Grow Phase decisions made at the meeting held on 11 October 2024.

Schedule of Decisions

#Grow Goose - Upskilling the Heritage Sector at Scale

Applicant: Arts Marketing Association

Decision: Award grant of £249,951 (100%)

#Grow - Growing Butterfly Conservation's Youth Workforce

Applicant: Butterfly Conservation

Decision: Award grant of £182,848 (100%)

#Grow WorkInACastle.com

Applicant: Historic Houses Association

Decision: Reject

#Grow Safe Access

Applicant: Association of Independent Museums

Decision: Award grant of £249,295 (100%)

#GROW Developing and nurturing a screen heritage workforce for the future

Applicant: The British Film Institute

Decision: Award grant of £249,635 (65%)

#Grow: Amgueddfa Cymru

Applicant: The National Museum of Wales (Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru)

Decision: Award grant of £183,728 (100%)

#Grow: Volunteering at Hampshire Cultural Trust

Applicant: Hampshire Cultural Trust

Decision: Award grant of £249,910 (100%)

#Grow North Wales Wildlife Trust / Wildlife Trusts Wales - All Wales Digital Innovation

Applicant: North Wales Wildlife Trust

Decision: Award grant of £249,302 (100%)

#Grow WWT Early Careers Grow Phase Project

Applicant: The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust

Decision: Award grant of £236,070 (100%)

#Grow Ventnor Exchange Grow Phase

Applicant: Ventnor Exchange CIC

Decision: Award grant of £146,155 (100%)

#Grow - Improving Access to Heritage Sector Careers

Applicant: National Library of Scotland

Decision: Reject

#Grow: Deep Time

Applicant: DigVentures Community CIC

Decision: Award grant of £249,982 (95%)

#Grow Wildlife Trusts Evidence Emergency Centre of Excellence

Applicant: Sheffield Wildlife Trust

Decision: Award grant of £249,962 (100%)

#Grow Happy Days

Applicant: Happy Days: EIBF Limited

Decision: Award grant of £242,655 (100%)

#Grow - HEY! Volunteering Coastal Heritage

Applicant: Hull City Council

Decision: Award grant of £200,000 (100%)

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.