England, North: delegate decisions December 2022

England, North: delegate decisions December 2022

Schedule of Decisions under delegated powers for England, North at The National Lottery Heritage Fund on 5 December 2022.

Repairs and refurbishment of Withington Baths

Applicant: Love Withington Baths

Project Description: This project was awarded £891,600 (72% of total costs) in March 2020, to repair and restore the fabric of the building and provide a programme of community interpretation and engagement. Surveys, investigations, and some capital works have taken place as planned. Structural repairs and restoration of glass lantern roofs and wooden ceilings have been delayed due to cost increases caused by coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions and closures. As well as staff illness and subsequent delays, recruitment and supplier issues, unexpected costs, and inflation.

Decision: Award grant increase of £80,000

Threading the Heritage of Islington Mill: The Living Story

Applicant: Islington Mill Arts Club CIC (IMAC) 

Project Description: IMAC was awarded a £178,499 delivery grant in December 2019 to create a flexible performance, events and exhibition space. It planned to have nine bedroom artist-in-residence spaces, create a co-education pack and develop a new heritage-led regeneration module with University of Salford. Cost increases have been driven by a combination of project-specific (unforeseen additional work) and macroeconomic factors such as inflation, market disruption due to the pandemic and Brexit.

Decision: Award grant increase of £178,499

Pride in Our Place: Our Rich Community

Applicant: Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School

Project Description: Explore how Liverpool’s historical past has formed its present-day communities whilst also increasing awareness and appreciation of global cultural practices. Activities will focus on an exploration of traditional crafts, festivals, foods, dance and music culminating in the creation of a collection of crafted products to represent each nation within the school.

Decision: Award grant of £6,000 (100% of total costs)

Global Folk Instruments Heritage Project

Applicant: Manchester International Roots Orchestra CIC

Project Description: A four-month partnership project to research, share, and capture the heritage connected to several global folk instruments, and the musicians who play them. The emerging memories, stories and songs will be shared in three public events, each documented and filmed.

Decision: Award grant of £10,000 (94.43% of total costs)

Kibblesworth Stories

Applicant: Digital Voice for Communities C.I.C

Project Description: To work with people from the wider community to collect memories and stories about Kibblesworth through intergenerational archive collecting sessions, and digital storytelling workshops. This will culminate the creation of a community curated exhibition and event featuring personal stories, photographs and objects.

Decision: Award grant of £10,000 (100% of total costs)

Liverpool Chinatown: Hakka Memories

Applicant: Liverpool Chinese Supplementary School (LCSS)

Project Description: During the Autumn Festival September 2023 LCSS will exhibit photographs, stories and calligraphy, traditional Hakka items of clothing and objects. Workshops will also be delivered to share tea drinking traditions, dances and songs.

Decision: Award grant of £10,000 (100% of total costs)

Our Heritage


Project Description: Through conducting ethnographic research, the project aims to capture stories of migration between the 1950s to the 1990s from the Indian subcontinent to the UK. The research will culminate in the creation of a report, an artistic word cloud and documentary showcasing the history and heritage of this period.

Decision: Award grant of £8,510 (100% of total costs)

Cotton Queens 3

Applicant: City of Sanctuary Bolton

Project Description: To collect and share previously untold stories and experiences of working-class women from in and around Bolton, raising public awareness of the Mass Observation's Worktown Collection. Themes such as family, work, political activism, place, gendered representation, immigration, and dialect and cultural norms will be explored.

Decision: Award grant of £10,000 (71.53% of total costs)

Queer Heritage activity sessions

Applicant: Groundwork Yorkshire Limited

Project Description: To create a queer led support and heritage-based activities group to support LGBTQ+ focus groups for nonbinary, transgender and older members of the local area to engage with their community. Creative workshops led by LGBTQ+ artists and historians will help participants to develop new skills whilst documenting and sharing their experiences in a safe space.

Decision: Award grant of £9,330 (100% of total costs)

(Un)Defining Queer

Applicant: The University of Manchester

Project Description: Investigate the collection at the Whitworth Art Gallery and develop an archive based around the promotion of LGBTQ+ narratives. Project activities will include studying the Whitworth Museum art collection to understand LGBTQ+ connection, production of an exhibition and the development of a 'queer glossary' created by volunteers.

Decision: Award grant of £9,711 (41.42% of total costs)

Springwell Village 1940s Community Heritage Weekend 2023: increasing learning, participation, and engagement

Applicant: Springwell Village Community Venue

Project Description: To develop the learning and participation elements of the Springwell Village 1940s Community Heritage Weekend – to inspire people through learning about heritage to develop skills. Activities will include talks with historical specialists and oral historians, mending workshops, healthy cooking workshops and outdoor activities.

Decision: Award grant of £10,000 (100% of total costs)

LitFest 2023 – Facing the Past, Creating the Future

Applicant: Lancaster and District Festival Ltd

Project Description: LitFest 2023 will feature a programme of events including writers’ talks, community gatherings and co-creation projects, exploring key aspects of Lancaster’s history and environment and how they have shaped modern day life in the city.

Decision: Award grant of £10,000 (68.97% of total costs)

We are Roma


Project Description: Promote the stories and histories of the Roma community to young people, whilst also encouraging them to learn their native language. Workshops will be delivered in Oldham and North Manchester to encourage young people to learn more about Roma heritage.

Decision: Award grant of £10,000 (100% of total costs)

The Best of Times – The cultures and traditions of Midwinter

Applicant: North Tyneside Disability Forum Ltd (NTDF)

Project Description: A Winter Solstice Celebration Event will be hosted to showcase NTDF talent and focus on celebrating Festival of Saturnia and understanding its role in our current Christmas celebrations. Arts, dance, foods and music will feature in the event, working to expand cultural heritage opportunities for disabled people.

Decision: Award grant of £5,352 (87.71% of total costs)

Up the Swanee

Applicant: Barnsley Museums

Project Description: To bring together volunteers, residents and the wider community to capture and celebrate people's memories and stories inspired by the 'Swanee' in Kendray, Barnsley. The project will capture the history of the area through multi-generational activities and will culminate in a celebration event.

Decision: Award grant of £10,000 (83.33% of total costs)

Heritage Walking Group

Applicant: Marine in the Community

Project Description: To deliver a range of heritage walking sessions to the local community. Five of the 20 sessions will be for specific groups such as young people aged 11–18, a knife crime reduction group (adolescents displaying antisocial behaviour) and people with head injuries, mental health problems and dementia.

Decision: Award grant of £9,950 (88.84% of total costs)

Hornby – The Hidden Story (V2)

Applicant: Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council

Project Description: To develop a heritage scheme exploring the life and work of Frank Hornby. Activities will include a series of talks aimed at adults, plus four family days including a walking trail around Maghull (Hornby’s hometown) and displaying a functioning Hornby model railway in the town.  

Decision: Award grant of £9,350 (65.16% of total costs)

In The Heart Of Standish

Applicant: Standish Voice

Project Description: This project will result in the documentation of Joe Bazeley’s guided tours of St Wilfrid’s Church in Standish. A film will be created of the guided tours, allowing part of the church’s heritage to be preserved and shared more widely.

Decision: Reject

Love Stories

Applicant: Arcade arts ltd

Project Description: To bring together members of Scarborough's community to celebrate social histories of love in South Cliff Gardens. Alongside UK-wide significant artists and musicians, participants will co-create a site-specific audio artwork drawing on visible histories and hidden love stories from under-served people including women and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Decision: Reject

Keswick Museum's Big Science Year

Applicant: Keswick Museum & Art Gallery Management Ltd

Project Description: Launch of a new programme of activities focusing on nature and environmental sustainability. It will target children (ages 5–11) and their families, people with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and young people living in deprived areas of Cumbria. The project will deliver new interactive and accessible interpretation.

Decision: Award grant of £64,869 (90.89% of total costs)

Peterlee 75: Celebrating Communities and Heritage

Applicant: Peterlee Town Council

Project Description: A one-year project to celebrate the 75th anniversary of 'new town' Peterlee, by engaging with local communities to capture living memories and highlight the town's history. There will be three segments of activity: the 75 showcase exhibition, a people's archive element and Garden City Futures to focus on the built environment.

Decision: Award grant of £92,302 (49.68% of total costs)

Doctor Who 60th anniversary heritage project

Applicant: Delia Derbyshire Day

Project Description: A 12-month project commemorating the 60th anniversary of Dr Who through the creation of a DD Day archive at Manchester University's John Rylands Institute and Library. The project activities will include workshops delivered in 10 schools across Greater Manchester, the creation of two audio-visual commissions and the collection of oral histories from the original Dr Who production team.

Decision: Award grant of £54,765 (100% of total costs)

Embracing the past to transform the future

Applicant: Re: Source Blackburn

Project Description: To test a recently completed business plan by delivering a programme of events and activities focusing on the heritage of The Exchange, facilitated by improvements to access and facilities. A programme of heritage-based activities will be delivered over 15 months in partnership with community organisations, local schools, and youth clubs.

Decision: Reject

Finding Lost Norton Park: Digging Deeper for All

Applicant: Friends of Graves Park

Project Description: Uncover and share the undocumented heritage of Graves Park, Sheffield. In partnership with the South Yorkshire Biodiversity Research Group (SYBRG), this project will produce wildlife and ecological surveys which will then be used to inform the development of guided talks and walks in the park. The park’s heritage will be explored through archival research and the collation of community memories.

Decision: Award grant of £142,770 (96.62% of total costs)

My School, My Planet – North West

Applicant: The Learning Through Landscapes Trust

Project Description: A 19-month project that will build partnerships between schools and community groups in the Northwest to implement environmental improvements. 16 schools and six community groups in the north west of England will be matched together, and 12 workshops will be delivered for each partnership focusing on three themes.

Decision: Award grant of £248,663 (92.44% of total costs)

Stephenson Steam Railway Woodland Walk

Applicant: Newcastle City Council

Project Description: A one-year project to engage local communities in the development of a woodland sculpture trail, habitat management, wildlife workshops and the creation of interpretation panels at the Stephenson Steam Railway (SSR) in North Tyneside. 

Decision: Award grant of £81,426 (100% of total costs)      

Bradford Museum Lates

Applicant: The Brick Box CIC

Project Description: To deliver community engagement workshops and interpretation events to develop new audiences across Bradford. The workshops will take place across three Bradford Museums and Galleries sites. Workshop participants will explore the museum’s collections, heritage crafts, share stories of climate heritage and develop an interpretation outcome to share at an exhibition. 

Decision: Reject

Diversity and Resilience through Variety Music

Applicant: Flames Heritage Limited

Project Description: A one-year project working with 15 people to create songs with a theme of societal togetherness. Participants will be chosen from a cross-generational spectrum, but with a strong focus on young people from diverse ethnic communities, who would like to progress a career in music. The project will create one main and five auxiliary songs, written in 10 languages.

Decision: Reject

Securing a New Home for the Vulcan – The Dr Robert Pleming Vulcan Experience

Applicant: Vulcan To The Sky Trust

Project Description: To carry out resilience and governance work to determine its options for relocating the Vulcan aircraft, XH558 from Doncaster Sheffield Airport by June 2023. The project consists of: a business plan review and development, skills audit and governance review and project management and evaluation. This work will inform the Trust’s aims to relocate the aircraft to an alternative airfield and to deliver its education objectives.

Decision: Award grant of £27,600 (100% of total costs)

Gipton StoryMaps

Applicant: Space2 Leeds

Project Description: Use the heritage of the organisation's current home, the Old Fire Station in Gipton, Leeds, to create 15 online StoryMaps, based on the incidents attended by Gipton Fire Station personnel. To create and tour a one woman play about women and the fire service, hold community events and school workshops to explore co-production opportunities.

Decision: Reject

Hearts of Gold – Sefton at 50

Applicant: Sefton CVS

Project Description: Engage and involve communities in celebrating the Golden Anniversary of the Sefton Borough in 2024. The project will hold a series of workshops to research borough history from 1974 to present and create three trails around the Sefton borough. As well as hold an exhibition exploring Sefton’s history and deliver heritage project development surgeries to build capacity in the area.

Decision: Reject

Womenzone Sufi Heritage Project

Applicant: Womenzone

Project Description: An 18-month project to support the local Bradford community with co-curating their own workshop and festival programme to learn about Sufi music and create their own interpretation. Project activities will include the delivery of the two weekly workshop programmes with the project culminating in a district-wide festival.

Decision: Reject

Mr Grimsby & Mr Cleethorpes – The astonishing legacy of Edward Watkin

Applicant: Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire

Project Description: To explore and share the story of Edward Watkin and his role in the 19th century development of two north east Lincolnshire towns, Grimsby and Cleethorpes. With an emphasis on engaging young people, proposals will offer Digital Heritage Ambassador opportunities and create educational and digital engagement resources.

Decision: Reject

Liverpool Irish Famine Trail: Release

Applicant: Liverpool Irish Festival

Project Description: The second phase of a five-part programme that will engage, promote, and enhance Liverpool's Irish Famine Trail. The project will work with an established group of volunteers to develop their skills, including research and archiving techniques. Community groups will also create artworks to be featured on the trail’s app and a documentary-length film will be produced.

Decision: Reject


Applicant: Multicultural Resource Centre

Project Description: To engage with older people from India, Pakistan and Africa to document and promote the literary and musical history of the Gujurati and Memoni languages. Trained volunteers will record 30 oral history interviews with members of the community across four venues.

Decision: Award grant of £42,460 (100% of total costs)

Pooling Resources

Applicant: Our Lido Ltd

Project Description: A 10-month project to research knowledge of the Future Lidos Group (FLG) and the wider sector. Research will be shared via an online Lido Toolkit and Our Lido Ltd will deliver advocacy work to raise awareness and build sector capacity for future lido schemes.

Decision: Award grant of £99,800 (100% of total costs)

TPG Stonework Project

Applicant: Trinity with Palm Grove United Reformed and Methodist Church

Project Description: A 12-month project to restore deteriorating external stonework at the church. A programme of events will also take place including exhibition artwork produced by local schools, music events and three heritage open days.

Decision: Reject

York Water Trail (YWT)

Applicant: Good Neighbours UK

Project Description: Using the heritage of York’s waterways and sanitation systems to engage communities with their environment. The project will develop three walking trails around the city and deliver 15 workshops/events based around the climate crisis, water waste and sustainability.

Decision: Reject

Celebrating diversity in Salford

Applicant: Visible Outcomes 4u Ltd

Project Description: To engage with African and Asian refugees and migrants and Refugee Community Organisations (RCOs) in Salford to develop an archive documenting lived experiences. Oral history interviews will be conducted alongside the delivery of workshops to inspire and encourage refugee communities to develop their own future heritage projects.

Decision: Reject

Live Theatre Newcastle at Fifty

Applicant: Mylife Productions 2013 CIC

Project Description: This project will engage young people to research and record the 50-year history of Live Theatre. Project activities will include the recording of 50 oral histories of people who have worked at the theatre, the creation of a documentary film and a short fictional film based on the heritage.

Decision: Reject

Waste Not Want Not

Applicant: Coast and Vale Community Action

Project Description: To encourage a change in behaviour which makes a positive impact on the environment and helps people tackle the cost-of-living crisis through a programme of workshops. These will explore a range traditional, money saving, low environmental impact life skills. A range of ‘how to’ guides will also be co-produced to share the skills and knowledge.

Decision: Reject

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