England, Midlands & East: delegated decisions January 2024

England, Midlands & East: delegated decisions January 2024

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Schedule of decisions under delegated powers for England, Midlands & East at The National Lottery Heritage Fund on 18 January 2024.

National Lottery Grants for Heritage

Titchwell History

Applicant: The Parochial Church Council of St. Mary the Virgin Church, Titchwell

Project description: To publish a book about the history of St Mary’s and install interpretation in the entrance to the church.

Decision: Reject

The Burbage Works

Applicant: Burbage Band (Buxton)

Project description: To research the heritage of Burbage Brass Band and produce public performances to include audio-visual storytelling, historical instruments, historic photographs, videos and music, as well as preserving the collection.

Decision: Award grant of £26,060 (33%)

The Poetry House Project – “Of writing many books there is no end; / And I who have written much in prose and verse / For others’ uses, will write now for mine, – / Will write my story for my better self,” Aurora Leigh

Applicant: Ledbury Poetry Ltd

Project description: To undertake feasibility and organisational development work to progress plans to repurpose the Grade II Barrett Browning Institute in Ledbury as the UK's first Poetry House and permanent base for Ledbury Poetry Ltd.

Decision: Award grant of £98,640 (100%)

St Michael and All Angels Dewsall churchyard walls

Applicant: PCC of Dewsall with Callow

Project description: To repair the churchyard’s drystone walls.

Decision: Reject

Save Our Bells (SOB)

Applicant: St Peter's Parochial Church Council

Project description: This project is to repair the rusting bell frame caused by water ingress prior to the repair of the tower.

Decision: Reject

St Matthew's: Tending the Future

Applicant: St Matthew's Morley PCC

Project description: This project seeks to conserve four window panels and widen the heritage interpretation of the village Church in Morley, Derbyshire.

Decision: Award grant of £183,476 (78%)

Repairs to the church tower, and outreach on its artistic and cultural heritage

Applicant: Blaxhall Parochial Church Council

Project description: To repair the church tower of the Parish Church of St Peter at Blaxhall, Suffolk. The project includes interpretation and community engagement.

Decision: Award grant of £243,717 (85%)

Heritage walks in the Suffolk countryside

Applicant: PHOEBE

Project description: This project will focus on providing opportunities for women from Black, ethnically diverse and migrant communities to learn about the heritage in their area and easily access green spaces.

Decision: Award grant of £38,530 (100%)

Compton Verney – Resilience and Recovery Funding

Applicant: Compton Verney House Charity

Project description: This resilience project will enable Compton Verney to improve their environmental performance, increase visitor numbers and enhance facilities to ensure they remain operational and viable as a visitor destination.

Decision: Award grant of £178,160 (81%)

Saving St Guthlac's Tower for future generations

Applicant: The Parochial Church Council of St Guthlac's Church, Stathern

Project description: This project focuses on the conservation of Stathern's church tower with an engagement programme encompassing the wider village's heritage, including partnership working with the local Field Detectives group to locate the lost Hacker Hall.

Decision: Award grant of £68,560 (44%)

A 'journey through the ages': The Riley Family and Coventry's Heritage

Applicant: Riley Cars Archive Heritage Trust

Project description: This project concerns sharing and preserving the heritage of Riley Cars in Coventry.

Decision: Reject

Transforming the Trent Headwaters

Applicant: Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Limited

Project description: A resilience, audit, mapping and planning project to develop the future priorities of the Transforming The Trent Valley Partnership, to continue their strong project delivery but in a new landscape area.

Decision: Award grant of £250,000 (93%)

Rounders Reconnected: Celebrating 80 years of inclusive heritage

Applicant: Rounders England Ltd

Project description: To collect, catalogue and display the history of the game of rounders. A new 'Rounders Archive' will be established at Huddersfield University's Heritage Quay. A programme of exhibitions and events will be delivered across England, supported by volunteers, heritage ambassadors and former players.

Decision: Award grant of £100,000 (100%)

Breadsall Bells

Applicant: Parochial Church Council of Breadsall

Project description: To promote the history of bell ringing in Breadsall and train underserved members of the community to become bell ringers through a new training centre at Grade I Breadsall All Saints Church, Derbyshire.

Decision: Reject

Hidden Heritages in Schools

Applicant: Hadithi CIC

Project description: To create an opportunity for intergenerational learning, engaging large numbers of students with South Asian heritage from across Cambridgeshire.

Decision: Award grant of £98,895 (100%)

Future of the Past 2

Applicant: soundLINCS

Project description: To support local heritage organisations to be more involved with local young people and embed them in decision making. The project will use creative arts to promote longer term engagement with young people, boost resilience and attract more diverse audiences.

Decision: Award grant of £250,000 (73%)

Nightlight Lullabies – Derby

Applicant: Murmuration Arts Production CIC

Project description: To work in deprived areas of Derby to capture differing night-time rituals and lullabies through oral histories. The focus will also include the deaf community working with the Royal School for the Deaf, Derby.

Decision: Award grant of £126,443 (98%)

The New Museum School SMAART Network

Applicant: Cultural Co-operation

Project description: Cultural Co-operation will develop a Students, Museums, Audiences and Artists network. The network seeks to support the continued professional development of students and alumni of the New Museum School, alongside advocating for increased diversity within the heritage sector workforce.

Decision: Reject


Applicant: Compas

Project description: This project is focused on the identity, heritage and modern history of the Roma community living in Peterborough. Using the Paul Polansky archive, the project aims to enable the Roma community to reflect on, understand (particularly relevant to young Roma people) and share their heritage with the wider community.

Decision: Award grant of £106,975 (100%)

100 Year Heritage of Walsall Deaf Community

Applicant: Zebra Access CIO

Project description: To research, recollect and record 100 years of Walsall's Deaf Community heritage between 1919 and 2019.

Decision: Award grant of £87,952 (100%)

Making Our Mark

Applicant: Black Country Together CIC (on behalf of Creative Black Country)

Project description: To facilitate heritage projects about 'untold stories', led by 15 community groups to benefit a range of under-served audiences in Walsall.

Decision: Award grant of £247,080 (89%)

Swaffham – A Historic Market Town

Applicant: Breckland District Council

Project description: To develop and deliver a project in Swaffham town centre, Norfolk. The project aims to transform and restore disused and dilapidated buildings into new homes, shops, workplaces and community spaces, restoring local historic character.

Decision: Award grant of £250,000 (30%)

Raise the roof at Theydon Garnon Church

Applicant: The Parochial Church Council of Theydon Garnon

Project description: To restore the roof to prevent water damage to the church, with activities for engagement.

Decision: Award grant of £97,950 (47%)

Next Steps 2024

Applicant: Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome Ltd

Project description: To focus upon operational resilience of Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome, a site with over 23 Grade II* listed buildings located in rural Maldon, Essex.

Decision: Award grant of £88,400 (100%)

Wilder Worcestershire – Neighbourhoods Nurturing Nature

Applicant: Worcestershire Wildlife Trust

Project description: To create opportunities to support and help communities learn about the importance and value of nature and wildlife in their local vicinity.

Decision: Award grant of £250,000 (59%)

Resilience project – Feasibility and development of the Steam Tug Brent and Lighter Restoration Project

Applicant: Steam Tug Brent Ltd

Project description: This resilience project builds organisational capacity to undertake a feasibility study and audience consultation work for a much-needed, longer-term capital restoration project for the Steam Tug, Brent, moored on the Blackwater Estuary in Maldon, Essex.

Decision: Award grant of £97,488 (100%)

Frinton & Walton Heritage Trust – Securing And Improving Our Offer

Applicant: Frinton & Walton Heritage Trust

Project description: To relocate the Trust's archive to a recently purchased premises, digitise the archives, recruit and train volunteers and develop a series of travelling temporary exhibitions.

Decision: Award grant of £235,976 (84%)

Restoring Bartonsham Meadows

Applicant: The Herefordshire Wildlife Trust Limited

Project description: This project seeks to restore the Bartonsham Meadows, Hereford, a site approximately 40 hectares in size. This will involve re-introducing native vegetation, increasing biodiversity and improving the floodplains, reducing run-off polluting the river Wye and flood risk. There will also be a series of engagement activities focused on young people and individuals from low-income households.

Decision: Award grant of £243,129 (63%)

From Here On: A landmark theatre event exploring the heritage of Kindertransport and acts of safe passage asking, what does sanctuary mean today?

Applicant: Gecko Theatre

Project description: This project will involve young people in researching the Kindertransport and its links to present refugee stories. The young people will then develop this into, and take part in, a final performance piece.

Decision: Award grant of £165,432 (57%)

Lea Chapel Reopening

Applicant: Oddsocks Communications Ltd

Project description: To hold three public events and drop-in sessions for the local community to announce the reopening of the Grade II Lea Chapel in Derbyshire after five years of renovation, reconnecting the historic building with the community.

Decision: Reject

Art UK Capacity Building Programme

Applicant: The Public Catalogue Foundation

Project description: This resilience project is focused on development of organisational capacity across two main areas of The Public Catalogue Foundation's practice: volunteer recruitment and fundraising.

Decision: Award grant of £229,893 (90%)

My Ikon

Applicant: Ikon Gallery

Project description: To allow voices from a diverse range of audiences who have engaged with the gallery over six decades, throughout periods of significant social and cultural change, to be recorded to celebrate the gallery's 60th anniversary.

Decision: Reject

d/Deaf Inclusivity for Heritage

Applicant: Deaf-initely Women

Project description: To audit heritage organisations to review the inclusivity of d/Deaf, Deafblind and hard of hearing people.

Decision: Reject

Derby Poetry Festival: Nature Poetry Walks

Applicant: Derby Poetry Festival CIC

Project description: To collect local stories, oral histories, increase engagement with green spaces and nature and explore people's relationships with nature and the history surrounding them.

Decision: Award grant of £10,000 (100%)

Connecting to Ancient Places

Applicant: Lindissi CIC

Project description: This research and development project will explore ways to promote the vision of Heritage 2033 to areas that are suffering from economic deprivation and social exclusion.

Decision: Award grant of £7,990 (80%)

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