England, London & South: delegated decisions May 2024

England, London & South: delegated decisions May 2024

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Schedule of decisions under delegated powers for England, London & South for The National Lottery Heritage Fund on 8 May 2024.

National Lottery Grants for Heritage

Dartington Village Hall Centenary Celebrations

Applicant: Dartington Village Hall Association

Project description: To collaborate with the local community, the focus being on the 100-year heritage of the village hall and its place as the centre of the community.

Decision: Award grant of £14,204

Crime and Punishment in Rochester from Tudor Times to the Present Day

Applicant: The Pilgrim Multi Academy Trust

Project description: To develop and enhance key aspects of local history, to increase pupils understanding of their locality in a global landscape and to share these findings with the community through presentations and exhibitions.

Decision: Award grant of £15,064

Oxford Conservation Volunteers Replacement Minibus

Applicant: Oxford Conservation Volunteers

Project description: To replace the minibus used to transport volunteers and tools to various sites to continue to support the work to conserve and protect the natural environment of Oxford and the surrounding area.

Decision: Reject

Unfolding Time: An interactive exhibition of medieval pocket calendars at Lambeth Palace Library

Applicant: Church Commissioners for England

Project description: ‘Unfolding Time’ is to find new ways of inviting new audiences into the library. Drawing on research and a full events programme it would support new relationships with local schools and interfaith groups, to establish the library as a welcoming place where everyone can learn.

Decision: Award grant of £53,418

Dartmoor Calling

Applicant: Clapham Film Unit

Project description: Dartmoor Preservation Association and Clapham Film Unit to work in partnership to recruit and train volunteers to record oral histories of people who have campaigned to save Dartmoor from development. To produce and share a documentary via broadcast, online and Q and A sessions at Exeter Phoenix.

Decision: Award grant of £55,890

Herschels in Slough

Applicant: The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Upton Cum Chalvey

Project description: To transcribe and record four ‘lost’ or ‘undiscovered’ musical works by William Herschel. To form the basis for school workshops to enable children to engage with the historical figure and to compose, create and perform their own new Herschel-inspired music.

Decision: Award grant of £66,885

'Who am I?'

Applicant: Mukul and Ghetto Tigers CIC

Project description: An oral history project to explore the question ‘Who am I?’ To investigate what it means for young British Asians growing up in a system with a colonial legacy. Project records would be deposited with West Sussex Records Office and Museum of Croydon.

Decision: Reject

Art depicting life in Bengali Drama – exploring theatre, storytelling, playwriting and community progression in East London during 1963-2013

Applicant: London Borough Of Tower Hamlets

Project description: To capture the rich evolutionary history of Bangla Natok in East London through oral history and research in the context of its long traditions in rural and urban spaces of Bengal.

Decision: Award grant of £75,361

Where East meets West: Celebrating South-Asian LGBTQ+ Heritage through the Club Kali Network

Applicant: Club Kali Network CIC

Project description: To record oral histories and collect and interpret a wide range of memorabilia related to the Club Kali Network from its inception in 1995 to the present day. The collection would be added to Bishopsgate Institute’s permanent collection.

Decision: Award grant of £85,079

Re-roofing of St Nicholas Church Bishop's Sutton

Applicant: The PCC for St Nicholas Church Bishop's Sutton

Project description: To re-roof the 900-year-old church: to increase its function, support a more diverse section of local society and to expand the range of roles which the church building can play.

Decision: Award grant of £101,171

50 Years and Beyond: Embedding Community Voices

Applicant: Oxford City Council

Project description: To work in partnership with local and under-represented communities to create a year-long public programme of special events. To recruit a Cultural Learning and Participation Apprentice who would work in community centres and connecting with new communities. The 50th anniversary in 2025 would celebrate how Oxford’s people have shaped the city.

Decision: Award grant of £136,309

Project Orpheus

Applicant: The Barn Theatre Project

Project description: To celebrate the anniversary of the discovery of an Orpheus mosaic in Cirencester in 1824. To reach non-traditional audiences across rural Cotswolds, to include an Orpheus Parade and song, a LEGO tour, talks, nature walks, re-wilding and opportunities for students to learn archaeological techniques first-hand with professional archaeologists.

Decision: Award grant of £147,142

Unlocking the INQUEST Archive Memorialising Death and Resistance

Applicant: INQUEST Charitable Trust

Project description: To explore deaths involving police, prisons and mental health settings in England and Scotland since 1980, with the use of co-productive practices, volunteer training programmes, photography and film. By the end of the project it would produce a series of productions and commemorative events.

Decision: Award grant of £209,498

The Big Rock Pool Challenge

Applicant: People Power Science CIC T/A Rock Pool Project

Project description: The development of the infrastructure of the two editing hubs in Falmouth and Plymouth, to then expand to three new locations within the south west. To engage with local communities, promote scientific exploration, create a sustainable network and well-connected marine conservationists. Data collected would support wildlife management and conservation in the UK and globally.

Decision: Award grant of £227,829

Rebirth of The Folk: Resilient and Sustainable

Applicant: Gloucester Civic Trust Ltd

Project description: Achieve an eco-friendly, resilient, community led and self-sustaining organisation by 2030. A co-designed and co-delivered programme of inclusive and diverse cultural events and activities to engage with a wide range of audiences to access The Folk for recreation, learning, socialising and to have pride in their heritage.

Decision: Award grant of £228,960

Construction & Craft: Heritage as a tool for inspiring the next generation

Applicant: Global Generation

Project description: To construct a first permanent garden on a brownfield site bordering the Caledonian ward in Islington. The classroom, kitchen, office and ecological garden would be built through a paid training programme for under-served young people in heritage crafts and skills, the project to culminate in a physical and digital ‘Living Exhibition,’ widening the reach of the project.

Decision: Award grant of £237,202

Woodworking and Gender Project

Applicant: Sylva Foundation

Project description: To engage and challenge educators and employers to bridge the gap between education and heritage woodworking crafts for women and non-binary people. The project would provide the skills and knowledge to help secure employment, to preserve and develop traditional woodworking skills currently on the Red List of Endangered Crafts.

Decision: Award grant of £240,000

Nature Buddies Network

Applicant: Dorset National Landscape Partnership c/o Dorset Council

Project description: To support and coordinate the growth of a network of trained volunteer Nature Buddies, to embed into existing heritage and health organisations, to provide personalised support to overcome barriers faced engaging with heritage and to help heritage thrive and be more resilient.

Decision: Award grant of £248,811

Stowey Revived

Applicant: The Parochial Church Council of Stowey

Project description: To address tower repairs and the conservation of the chancel murals and Royal Arms of the Grade II 13th century church. The work would enable improvement of community engagement and the ability to host a variety of activities and events, the church being the focal point in the ancient village of Stowey.

Decision: Award grant of £249,500

Embracing Diversity: Celebrating SEND Heritage


Project description: To facilitate and celebrate cultural heritage for SEN (Special Educational Needs) people from culturally diverse communities, promoting inclusion and belonging in SEN young people from diverse backgrounds to validate their cultural identity.

Decision: Reject

Disappearing Wildflowers: Restoring Connection to an Ancient Landscape Lost to Time

Applicant: Andover Trees United

Project description: Improve local biodiversity and restore ancient chalk landscape to Andover, Hampshire, to raise awareness of its importance through widespread community involvement, to undertake landscape restoration by creating a new meadow and build on the recent wildflower project.

Decision: Reject

St Mary Magdalene – 2023 and Beyond

Applicant: Great Hampden PCC

Project description: To preserve, renovate and refurnish the heritage associated with the St Mary Magdalene church. The project would create a useable and appealing space, to attract more people not only for Sunday services but for other events and activities.

Decision: Reject

Springfield Park Boundary Wall

Applicant: Springfield Park No 1 Management Company Limited

Project description: To rebuild the partially collapsed Grade II listed wall to its original design, to ensure longevity and to preserve the natural feature of the wall in the local area.

Decision: Reject

Millennium Women: You Must Follow Another Plan

Applicant: ExploreTheArch Theatre Company Ltd

Project description: To explore a generation of inspiring women in medieval history. To make six video installations of the eleventh-century women of relevance and inspiration to UK, European and North American partners.

Decision: Reject

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