Customer service charter

Customer service charter

Who we are and what we do

We are part of a group of public organisations (the lottery distributors) that distribute money raised from the National Lottery to good causes.

That group is made up of:

  • Arts Council England
  • Arts Council of Wales
  • National Lottery Community Fund
  • The National Lottery Heritage Fund
  • Olympic Lottery Distributor
  • Sport England
  • UK Film Council
  • UK Sport

We give grants to a wide range of projects relating to:

  • the arts
  • film
  • the UK’s heritage
  • health, education and the environment
  • the voluntary and community sector
  • the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
  • sport

If you contact us for any reason you are one of our customers. This customer service charter sets out the service you can expect.

If you have any particular communication needs, or need information in other languages or format, please contact the lottery distributor you are dealing with.

Customer service principles

We aim to:

  • consider the views of our customers
  • be efficient, effective and accessible
  • be honest, open and accountable for our actions
  • provide clear and appropriate information, guidance and feedback
  • share and learn from best practice in order to continually improve the service we offer
  • publish an annual statement on customer service

All the lottery distributors have agreed to use the same process for reviewing complaints. If you have a complaint about the service you have received from one of the lottery distributors, please contact them direct.

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.